No matter how much your troop plans on saving or spending, you’ll need a safe place to deposit your troop dues, product sale proceeds, and other funds. If you’ve stepped up to lead an existing troop, you may inherit a checking account, but with a new troop, you’ll want to open a new bank account.
Here are a few helpful tips:
- Be sure to find a bank that has free checking and low fees.
- Designate a “troop treasurer,” that is, one person who is responsible for troop funds and for keeping a daily account of expenditures.
- Ensure your account comes with a debit card that you can use during activities or trips. These transactions are easier to track at the end of the year.
- Be prepared like a Girl Scout, and make sure another troop volunteer has accessible a debit card for the troop account in case the main card is lost.
- Handle a lost troop debit card the same way you would a personal debit card: cancel it immediately.
- Keep troop funds in the bank before an activity or trip, and pay for as many items as possible in advance of your departure.
- Girl Scout troop money and accounts are to be completely separate from any personal bank accounts. Girl Scout troop funds are not to be put into personal accounts, nor is the Girl Scout troop account to be used for any personal banking.
Follow your council’s financial policies and procedures for setting up an account. Most council-sponsored product program activities have specific banking and tracking procedures.
Your Membership Team will provide your with detailed information on setting up your troop account.
Troop funds are not to be separated by girl. Troop funds are for the benefit of all girls equally, regardless of an individual girls participation in product sales or other troop fundraisers. Ask your Membership team member for clarification.
Girls Changing Troops:
In all cases of girl movement in troops, your Membership
Specialist needs to know of changes to properly change records as
needed and ensure girls are properly transferred.
If one or more girls move from one troop to another troop within Girl Scouts of Central Illinois, the original troop account funds are divided and transferred. The amount of funds transferred is based on the number of girls currently registered in the group, i.e. if one of five girls’ move to a new troop, 1/5 of the funds is to be given to new troop.
Merging Troops:
If two troops merge, the funds from both troops are combined
into one account for the benefit of all girls in the merged troop.
Splitting Troops:
If a troop decides to split or divide, forming one or more new
troops, the funds are split in proportion to the number of girls who
will be in each of the troops. The funds should be sent to the council
from the bank, and a check will be written/or ACH to the new troop.
Please contact your Membership team member for assistance.