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What is a Juliette?

Juliette Girl Scouts are registered girl members, in grades K-12, who are busy, independent, self-confident girls and young women who want to be a part of something larger – Girl Scouts! Meeting in troops is one way to be part of the Girl Scout experience, but when there aren’t available troops in the area, a troop no longer meets, or a girl becomes too busy with extracurricular activities or sports, becoming a Juliette will allow her to continue her Girl Scout experience on an individual basis.

If you choose to be a Juliette, you can participate in special events, earn awards, camp, and even sell Girl Scout Cookies! You can select as many or as few activities that interest you and fit your schedule.

Why Should I Become a Juliette?

There are many advantages to participating in Girl Scouts as a Juliette:

  • Gain leadership experience
  • Have the opportunity to participate in all Girl Scout activities individually, so they can tailor their experience
  • Create a well-rounded Girl Scout experience by completing the planning guide for their grade-level, on their own time
  • Serve their community through individual community service projects and Take Action projects.

What Can a Juliette Do?

Juliette Girl Scouts can do anything Girl Scouts in a troop can do. As a Juliette you have the same opportunities as girls in traditional troops, and are able to pick and choose the way you want to participate in Girl Scouts.

How to Become a Juliette

It's easy! All you have to do is register for Girl Scouts by clicking the 'Join' button below or clicking here.  

Time to Explore!

Once you have registered, you are a Girl Scout! Check out the Juliette Guidebook for all the need to know information. Now comes the exciting part of deciding which events you would like to attend, which awards you would like to work on, and which other programs you want to take part in. Your only limit is your time and imagination!
