Every Girl Scout and Girl Guide organization is a member of the World
Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts - and each Member
Organization, including Girl Scouts of the USA, pays dues. WAGGGS
operates in much the same way as the United Nations: each member
organization pays dues based on the size of its membership and the per
capita income of the country in which the organization resides.
Individual Girl Scouts are not members of WAGGGS. The national funds
that GSUSA sends to WAGGGS come solely from investment income.
Membership dues, from girls and from adults, are not used to pay
the WAGGGS Quota. All dues collected from members are used
to pay for services that directly impact the development and delivery
of Girl Scouting to girls in the USA and girls who are involved in USA
Girl Scouts Overseas, our program that brings Girl Scouting to
American families who are living and working abroad.
Girl Scouts Heart of the South donates no money to WAGGGS.
Individual Girl Scout troops may donate to the Juliette Low World
Friendship Fund, a Girl Scouts of the USA fund that supports service
projects, training and international opportunity events, as well as
exchange visiting programs.
See more FAQs on
Girl Scouts and social issues.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Girl Scouts in your
area, please contact Jenny Jones, Senior Director of Community
Engagement and Advancement at jenny.jones@girlscoutshs.org or 662-350-6041.