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Older Girl Opportunities

Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors are amazing! You can help younger Girl Scouts earn a Journey, serve as a role model as you lead at an event or activity, be a mentor in a camp setting, lead community service efforts, participate in exclusive mentoring opportunities, or reach for Girl Scouts’ Highest Awards.

We’re always looking for adult volunteers who are interested in helping older Girl Scouts earn leadership awards. If you’d like to become a Program Aide Trainer or Volunteer in Training Mentor, share your interest by emailing

National Leadership Awards
older girls

Use this Hours Log to track your time for these awards. Turn it in to your Troop Co-Leader or local Service Team when you have finished your service for final approval.

Your service hours for these Bars must be separate from those you use towards other awards (Silver or Gold Award, Program Aide, Volunteer in Training). Each Bar represents a new project and can only be earned once at each level.

While you are giving service to others, pay attention – you may find an issue that you would like to dig deeper into. This could be the source for a Highest Award Take Action Project!


Torch Awards

These awards recognize Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors who act as a leader in the community. You can earn these awards by:

  1. Completing one Journey at your current level
  2. Serve for one full term in a leadership position at your school, place of worship, library, town council, community center, after-school club, or a similar organization. For example, you might serve on a planning committee for graduation, co-teach a youth class at your place of worship, or serve on a Girl Scout board of directors. The length of your service will depend on the term specified by the organization or the position you hold.

Girl Scout Cadettes earn the Silver Torch
Girl Scout Seniors earn the Silver and Gold Torch
Girl Scout Ambassadors earn the Gold Torch


Community Service Bar

As a Girl Scout Cadette, Senior, or Ambassador, when you earn your Community Service Bar, you are making a difference in your community. It’s also a great way to get involved with a cause that you care about.

To earn your Community Service Bar at the Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador level, first choose an organization you’d like to volunteer with. The organization will need to agree to give you instructions about the work you’ll be doing. You should only work with organizations that are approved by your council, so check with your Troop Co-Leader or local Service Team before you begin, as they will approve the organization. Contact with any questions. Once you’ve chosen your organization, complete at least 20 hours of service to earn the bar. 


Service to Girl Scouting Bar

If you choose to volunteer at least 20 hours with the Girl Scout organization, you can receive the Service to Girl Scouting Bar at the Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador level. For example, you might volunteer your time at a special event for younger girls, be an office assistant for your council or service unit, or help with special projects. This award can be earned one time at each level.

Leadership in Action Award (LiA)

As a Girl Scout Cadette, you can earn the Leadership in Action Award (LiA) by assisting a Brownie Troop on the National Leadership Journey that coordinates with the Journey you are working on (for example, the Brownie World of Girls Journey correlates to the MEdia Journey). To earn a LiA, you share your organizational skills, use one of your talents, teach Brownies something important from their Journey, and reflect on the experience.

There are specific requirements for the three original National Leadership Journey series: It’s Your World – Change It!, It’s Your Planet – Love It!, and It’s Your Story – Tell It!.

For more information about each LiA Award, you should connect with adult volunteers guiding a Brownie Troop. Contact your Service Team if you need assistance connecting with a Brownie Troop near you.

Program Aide

When you become a Program Aide (PA), you have an opportunity to deepen your understanding of what leadership means as you serve as a role model for younger Girl Scouts and guide them to become leaders, too.


Steps to Earn the Program Aide Award:

  1. Earn one LiA Award
  2. Complete the Program Aide Core Training*
  3. Work directly with younger Girl Scouts for a minimum of either 20 hours or six activity sessions. You can do this by assisting girls with their Journey activities (in addition to what you did for your LiA), leading badge earning activities, or providing support in other ways to younger Girl Scouts – at a troop meeting, at a local day camp, or during a special council event.

* Program Aide trainings can be completed in one of the following ways:

  • At a council training
  • At a PA Facilitator led training in your area
  • With your troop leader, using one of the checkout kits available at each Service Center.
    Troop Leaders – a fee of $3 per girl is due at the time of the reservation.  Each girl will receive a copy of the Program Aide Girl Workbook to take home.  There is a hardcopy of the facilitator’s guide included in the kit.  Both the girl workbook and the facilitator’s guide will be attached to your confirmation email to help you prepare to facilitate the training. When you make your reservation, select the service center you will pick up the kit from, the date you will pick up the kit, and the date you will return it.

Use these links to report completion of each step:

  • Facilitators and leaders use this link to report when Girl Scouts finish their Core training
  • Girl Scouts use this link to report when you have completed your 20 hours or six activity sessions. You will need to upload an hours log (that includes the date, amount of time, and description for each entry) with the report.



When you are a Girl Scout Senior or Ambassador, you can mentor young Girl Scouts in a camp setting as you build skills toward becoming a camp counselor. To earn this award, you complete a leadership course designed by the council on outdoor experiences and work with younger Girl Scouts over the course of a camp session.



When you are a Girl Scout Ambassador, you can earn this award by working with younger Girl Scouts over the course of at least one camp session while focused on increasing your skills in one specific area—such as riding instruction, lifeguarding, or the arts.

Volunteer in Training

You can become a Volunteer in Training (ViT) if you are a registered Girl Scout Senior or Ambassador and have completed ninth grade. Flex your leadership muscles as you mentor Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, or Cadettes outside of the camp experience. 


ViTs plan, design, and deliver Girl Scout program under the supervision of an adult volunteer. You will complete a direct service internship over a 4-6 month period, culminating in at least four program sessions with younger Girl Scouts.

You can complete your training in two ways:

  • Using the Volunteer-Led training, OR
  • Using the Self-Led video series. If you use these, you will need to find an adult volunteer to work with. Contact your Service Team or if you need assistance.
Page Program
page program

Do you have an interest in government or current state issues? Do you want to learn more about how our state's government works? If so, consider applying to serve as a Page in the Governor's Office.

Girl Scouts have a special week set aside; this year Girl Scouts will serve as Virtual Pages from March 7 through March 11, 2022.  You will join Girl Scouts from all over North Carolina to learn how our state government really works and to participate in the legislative process.  There will be special speakers and the chance to plan and work on a volunteer service project.

Girls are selected through a short application process. You must be between the ages of sixteen and eighteen during Girl Scout week and in good academic standing (A/B grade average) in order to apply.

The exclusive Girl Scout Week online application is available here. Space is limited and will fill quickly, so don’t wait to apply. The deadline to apply is February 18, 2022.  Please do NOT complete the online application on the Governors Page Program website.

For more general information about the program, please visit

For questions about serving as Page, please contact: Abby Palmer Groves, Program Director at

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