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Council Patch Program

Patches and Kits

Girl Scouts are invited to participate in any of our patch programs or utilize one of our great kit resources for your next meeting or Girl Scout adventure. We’re always creating new and exciting opportunities to support our girls and volunteers.  Check back often for a complete list of these opportunities.  

Council Patch Programs are a great way to explore a wide variety of topics. Click on any of the patch programs below to download patch requirements.  Girl Scout troops and individually registered girls are welcome to participate. 

Order Patches

Thank you for completing one or more of our council patch programs.  Patches can be ordered using our online order form or by emailing your patch request to our retail team at

Evaluate Patch Program

We’re excited to hear what you think about our council patch program activities and resources.  Use the online evaluation form to share your feedback.  Participant responses are used to help plan and enhance future programs.  For your convenience, you can use this form to both evaluate the patch program and order patches. 

Council Patch Programs

American Patriotism (All) Girls will learn more about our national flag, our country's freedom, and why we should be proud to be Americans. In addition, girls will learn more about the United States military, women who have impacted change, and events that have shaped the American people into who we are today.



Amphibian & Reptiles (All) This fun and active patch program will help Girl Scouts learn about amphibians and reptiles while understanding how the environment is important for them to live.  

bhm_patch_gsnccp_updated_06232021 (1)

Black History Month (All) Helping girls learn more about African American history, culture, and notable contributions. 


Camping Adventures (All) This patch program encourages Girl Scouts to visit all four of our beautiful camp properties in the Girl Scouts – NC Coastal Pines footprint.  Girls will spend at least one night at each camp property in any available sleeping accommodation on a troop camping trip.  


Commitment to Caring (All) This patch program was developed in partnership with the North Carolina Health Care Facilities Association. It provides girls the opportunity to establish positive relationships with residents of nursing homes in their community.  



Delta Dental Smile Squad (All) Use your creativity and Girl Scouting skills to learn how your mouth links to your overall health and well-being. Review good dental habits, try an oral health experiment, discover how hidden sugars can damage your teeth, and learn about the importance of brushing twice a day and reading every day for a healthy body and mind. Master the topics to earn your patch and join Delta Dental’s Smile Squad! 



Different Shoe Day (All) Through this patch program, girls will complete activities that celebrate diversity while exploring new customs and ideas. Girls will also participate in Different Shoe Day! This patch can be earned more than once.  

Discovering Hispanic Heritage (All) This patch program is designed to help Girl Scouts of all cultures develop an understanding and appreciation of the Hispanic/Latin American culture through Discover, Connect and Take Action.  

beyond today

Diversity/Equity/Inclusion (All)  When girls have earned this patch, they’ll have developed an appreciation of the uniqueness and commonalities of themselves and others, and the rich diversity of various cultures in their community and in the world. Girls will also deepen their understanding and respect for people who may be different from them and learn how to better relate to others. 
Girl Scout Daisies/Brownies
Girl Scout Juniors
Girl Scout Cadettes
Girl Scout Seniors/Ambassadors


Girl Scout Birthday Week (All) The activities in this patch program have been inspired by a combination of many different facets of the Girl Scout organization, including: celebration of Girl Scout Week, GSUSA Curriculum, NC Coastal Pines’ Spirit Week, and other Girl Scout traditions.  Girls will demonstrate their pride in being a member of the world’s largest organization for girls.  


Girl Scouts Give (All) Girls will learn ways to be a philanthropist, how to be a sister to every Girl Scout, why donating to Girl Scouts is important, and how to use things they’re doing every day to create good.
Girl Scout Daisies/Brownies/Juniors
Girl Scout Cadettes/Seniors/Ambassadors



Growing Sisterhood Patch (All) Growing Sisterhood Patch
Presented by GS-NCCP, the Growing Sisterhood Patch is an exciting new patch program for girls and volunteers. Through this patch program, current Girl Scout families will be able to introduce Girl Scouts to new families within their community. The patch will continue to “bloom” year after year as you continue the Girl Scout Mission!


home grown

Home Grown in North Carolina (All) Girls will learn about locally grown products in North Carolina by gaining a greater awareness of how the North Carolina Department of Agriculture works, including the county and state fair system. This program is fun and exciting, as girls are encouraged to participate in our state’s home-grown goodness by going to a local or state fair and eating locally grown fruits and vegetables.  


Hurricane Awareness (All) This patch program helps girls living along the coast to prepare for a hurricane or tropical storm while offering all Girl Scouts the opportunity to increase their hurricane knowledge and provide support to their Girl Scout sisters.


Make Every Step Count (All) Create awareness, and help your girls start making healthier choices today that they can follow for a lifetime. The program includes activities that educate Girl Scouts on physical fitness, nutrition, and overall wellness. Each participant will need a pedometer to wear that will count their steps. Get stepping! 
Girl Scout Daisies/Brownies/Juniors
Girl Scout Cadettes/Seniors/Ambassadors



Make Every Dance Step Count (all) The Make Every Dance Step Count Patch program is set up so that you can explore the world of dance. There is a lot of information about dance around us. The best way to dance is go see and do it!

my nc story

My North Carolina Story (Brownie - Ambassador) This patch program was developed in partnership with the North Carolina Museum of History. Girls will dig into their own history through stories of family, community, and North Carolina as a whole.  


North Carolina American Indians (All) This patch program honors the history of North Carolina American Indians, but also educates Girl Scouts on modern American Indians. Girl Scouts of all ages can work through the activities in this program to gain knowledge about modern and historical American Indians.  


North Carolina Coast (All) This patch program was created for Girl Scouts to explore our coastal counties. Troops will learn about coastal climate, culture, attractions, and animals through this program.  


Not A Bummer Summer Challenge (All) The Not a Bummer Summer Challenge offers girls of all ages an opportunity to expand their Girl Scout experience to include some summer fun! Whether solo or with friends, girls stay true to their Girl Scout roots by discovering, connecting, and taking-action in various summer themed activities.  Simply complete at least five activities from each category between June 1 and August 31st to earn the Not a Bummer Summer Challenge patch. Stay active and have fun this summer. Download and print the NaBS Challenge tri-fold brochure to easily track the activities you complete. 


Sea Turtles (Daisy - Junior) This patch program teaches girls about the sea turtles on our coast. Girls will learn about the habitat and homes of the turtles and ways to keep our beaches clean for the turtles while being inspired to take action to protect local sea turtles.  


Talk It Out (Junior - Ambassador) Through this patch program, your girls can take the lead in learning about the realities of underage drinking.  Girls will share what they learn with friends and family, learn about tools available to build strong relationships, and discover how to keep kids from turning to alcohol in the first place.


think pink

Think Pink! Breast Health Awareness (All) This patch program promotes health awareness among girls and young women. Girls will learn about the importance of breast health and healthy living by participating in activities and projects. They will also participate in service projects that help raise breast cancer awareness.  

Other Patch Programs

Girl Scouts are invited to complete any of the patch programs below. Patch description includes information about obtaining the patch. For patches carried in Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines retail stores, simply stop by to purchase. Not in the neighborhood, no worries! Submit your retail order via email to


A Slice of Girl Scouts (All) The “A Slice of Girl Scouts” Challenge invites all girls, whether you are a long-time Girl Scout or are thinking about becoming one, to join us in this challenge to try a slice of (almost) everything Girl Scouts has to offer! Download the patch activities to discover ways you can engage in the four pillars of Girl Scouting, family activities, and strengthen our Girl Scout sisterhood to complete the challenge.  Click here to submit your patch order.


Black History Month Celebration (All) The Girl Scout Black History Month Celebration Fun Patch is designed for Girl Scouts of all levels and their leaders to celebrate the cultural richness of Black Americans and those whose ancestors originated in the African diaspora and acknowledge the many contributions that the Black community has made and continues to make across our nation. Girls and leaders have plenty of activities to choose from to earn this fun patch, and we encourage girls from all ethnic backgrounds to participate. Click here for this fun activity in Spanish.


future vet

Future Veterinarian (Grades 3-6) This patch is meant to be an introduction to veterinary medicine for students in 3rd-6th grades. It is an exploration of veterinary medicine and STEM. Veterinary Medicine is an exciting career path where you can put your knowledge and compassion into practice! This patch is produced in partnership with the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC). Order the patch using this link. Created by a Gold Award Girl Scout in partnership with a community organization. The patch program is only a part of the Girl Scout’s Gold Award and does not ensure sustainability.


GSUSA Native American Heritage Month Celebration “I’m a Girl Scout!” fun patch is designed to provide Girl Scouts and volunteers of all backgrounds with an opportunity to learn more about the cultures, histories, and traditions of over 574 tribes and communities honored during Native American Heritage Month. We invite you to explore the cultures of the Indian Nations in your state and across the country! We’ve got plenty of activities for you to choose from, so that you can make new discoveries and have tons of fun learning while earning a cool patch! Additionally, we invite you to complete our council patch program, North Carolina American Indian Patch Program, too!  You can purchase these patches by emailing or visiting your local retail shop. 




GSUSA Hispanic Heritage Month (All) During Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15–October 15), we celebrate the countless contributions that Hispanic people and Latinos have made and continue to make in the United States. We honor the cultural richness of all people in the U.S. whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Girls and leaders have plenty of activities to choose from to earn this fun patch. And regardless of their specific ethnic heritage, they’re sure to learn interesting new things. 


mental health

Mental Health Awareness (All) The Mental Health Awareness Patch objectives are to educate Girl Scouts about the brain and its influence on thoughts, feelings, and behavior, and through that knowledge, increase awareness and understanding of mental illness. Through education we can change perceptions and reduce the stigma of mental illness. The Mental Health Awareness Patch was created by International Bipolar Foundation (IBPF). Read complete patch details for order information.


food bank

No One Goes Hungry Girl Scouts of all levels can earn this patch by learning about the Food Bank of Eastern and Central North Carolina and food insecurity in their communities. By learning about food insecurity, what the food bank does, how it helps and taking action together to create year-long drives we can help end hunger in our communities. Click here to submit your patch order or email or call the retail store at 919-600-6330.


Created by a Gold Award Girl Scout in partnership with a community organization. The patch program is only a part of the Girl Scout’s Gold Award and does not ensure sustainability. This patch may be adopted as a council patch program.


racial justice

Racial Justice (All) Earning a Racial Justice Patch engages girls in discovering themselves, connecting with others, and taking action to make the world a better place while preparing them to be present and future leaders. This patch was created by Girl Scouts of Central Maryland and YWCA.


Resilient. Ready. Strong. (All) Life isn’t always easy, but dealing with tricky emotions doesn’t have to be so hard. Try activities from the Girl Scouts: Resilient. Ready. Strong. program to unlock a patch and strengthen your mental wellness. Nobody can snap their fingers and make the world all sunshine and lollipops, but you can take steps to be ready when things get tough. Go get ‘em, Girl Scout!


thrive challenge

Thrive Challenge (All) The Thrive Challenge offers Girl Scouts in K-12th grade an opportunity to learn about different people, cultures, customs, and more. Girls can complete the challenge on their own (supported by their family) or troops can participate together. Simply take on at least two challenge ideas per letter (T.H.R.I.V.E.) to complete the Thrive Challenge. Purchase the Thrive Challenge and Building Beyond Today patches at any of our retail stores.


May is Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, an annual celebration of the achievements and contributions of Asians Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States. It’s a time where we join in paying tribute to the generations of Asian American and Pacific Islanders who have enriched the history of the United States and are instrumental in its future success. Following are the many countries included in the Asian American and Pacific Islander heritage month celebrations as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau. 


Resource Kits

Girl Scouts-North Carolina Coastal Pines has some pretty cool resources available to support our Girl Scout volunteers as they guide girls through the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.  Looking for resources for your next meeting, event, training, or day camp?  We’ve got you covered!

Resource Kit Reservations

Resource kits can be reserved from our four Girl Scout Centers and the Cape Carteret Girl Scouts office location.  All reservations should be picked up from the retail shop, unless otherwise noted.  During the reservation process, you will select the location and pick up day.  Reservations must be picked up and dropped off during operating hours. No walk-ins will be accommodated.

Make a Resource Kit Reservation

We invite you to make a reservation for any of the Resource Kits to use with your troop or Girl Scout Juliette.  You can book a reservation in as early as seven days from today’s date.  Kits are reservable for up to two weeks at a time.  Click here to make a reservation and you will be redirected to the online reservation system. 

Share Resource Kit Feedback

Don’t forget to share your Resource Kit feedback with us! Click here to share feedback


Bridging ceremonies mark a girl's move from one level of Girl Scouting to another.  Bridging is an important transition in a Girl Scout's life. It's a defining moment when a girl becomes aware of her achievements and is ready for new adventures and responsibilities. Celebrating this change should be fun, personalized, and memorable for everyone involved. And most of all, it should be designed by the girls in true partnership with adults.  Please note that at this time, bridges are only available from the Goldsboro and Raleigh Service Centers.     

Cookie Costume

Dress up your next cookie rally, booth or event by posing as a beloved Girl Scout cookie.  There are cookie costumes to represent each one of our great cookies. While we can’t guarantee a specific costume based on inventory, we can guarantee your cookie customers won’t be able to resist these adorable costumes!  Cookie costumes will be available beginning December 2021. 


Ceremonies help Girl Scouts mark special events throughout the year, such as bridging to another level, earning a National Leadership Journey award, or getting a Girl Scout pin.  Ceremonies can commemorate accomplishments or add something special to the beginning or end of a group's meeting. Girls can plan a ceremony around a theme, such as friendship or nature, and express themselves in words or song. Whatever its purpose, every Girl Scout ceremony helps girls share in Girl Scout history and traditions—and create their own special memories.  Reserve the flag kit for your next ceremony or special event.  Each kit contains the Girl Scout, USA, the North Carolina State flags. 

Jump Start Journey Kits

Jump Start Journey kits are a great way to jump into Journeys!  Each box contains activities that help Girl Scouts work towards the first Award of a Girl Scout Journey. The activities can be completed in a meeting or spread out into two. We do ask that troops only reserve one box at a time so that other troops can utilize the resource.

The boxes are complete will all the supplies needed to complete the activities and work through the Award. After completing the activities, you can print a certificate for each troop member and then continue on with the Girl Scout Journey!  The boxes were created to support troops working on Journeys and are free for Girl Scouts volunteers to reserve. As a troop volunteer, all you have to do is reserve the box, read over the instructions, and facilitate the activities. No shopping, no costs, and no planning!

5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers for Animals

Girl Scouts Daisies explore the many ways that caring for animals is like caring from themselves while completing the 5 Flowers, 4 Stores, 3 Cheers for Animals Jumpstart Journey box.  Girls can earn the Birdbath Award.  This award shows girls how they are like their furry friends by exploring animal needs and comparing them to their own.

Between Earth and Sky

Girl Scout Daisies learn about emotion through stories and fun activities with the Between Earth and Sky Jumpstart Journey box. Earning the Blue Bucket Award encourages girls to become aware of their feelings and the feelings of those around them as well as develop good relationship skills. 

Brownie Quest

Completing the Brownie Quest Jumpstart Journey box helps Girl Scout Brownies to complete the Discover Key Award. While earning this award, Girl Scouts will begin to learn about their special talents, qualities, and family values. In the process, girls will begin to connect their family values to Girl Scout values. 

Wonders of Water

The Wonders of Water WOW! Journey teaches Girl Scout Brownies all about water. The first award is the Love Water Award. Completing this Jumpstart Journey box will help girls share why they love water and give them ideas for protecting it.  

Agent of Change

The Junior Agent of Change Jumpstart Journey box helps Girl Scouts to earn their Power of One Award. The Power of One Award allows girls to learn about a forgotten heroine and to discover all the ways their strengths and powers can help them create change in the world. 

Get Moving

The Get Moving Jumpstart Journey box helps Girl Scout Juniors earn the Energize Award. To earn this award, girls will explore what personal energy is, and all the ways you can use your personal energy to its fullest. 

STEM Kits  

Daisy Robotics Kit

The Daisy Robotics kit enables girls to explore programming and robotics with a real robot - Colby the mouse! Colby can be integrated into badge earning activities for the What Robots Do, How Robots Move, and Design a Robot badges. This kit is a companion to Daisy Robotics Badge curriculum available in the Volunteer Toolkit. You'll find tools and guidance for using Colby to meet badge requirements, including discussion questions and suggested activities.  

Girls can use Colby to help them earn all three Daisy Robotics badges: What Robots Do, How Robots Move, and Design a Robot.  Badges available for purchase at any of our retail stores. 

A fee of $25 is due at the time of the reservation.  When you pick up and return the kit on time, in its original condition, you will receive a refund of $15.  That’s right, for just $10 girls get the opportunity to write an algorithm, program a robot, and have a rad robotics experience!

Brownie Robotics Kit

The Brownie Robotics kit enables girls to explore programming and robotics with Botley - a real robot! Botley can be integrated into badge earning activities for the What Robots Do, How Robots Move, and Design a Robot badges. This kit is a companion to Brownie Robotics Badge curriculum available in the Volunteer Toolkit. You'll find tools and guidance for using Botley to meet badge requirements, including discussion questions and suggested activities. This kit is a companion to Brownie Robotics Badge steps available in the Volunteer Toolkit. The VTK has specific guidance for activities your troop needs to complete to earn each badge.

Girls can use Botley to help them earn all three Brownie Robotics badges: Programming Robots, Designing Robots, and Showcasing Robots.  Badges are available for purchase at any of our retail stores. 

A fee of $25 is due at the time of your reservation.  When you pick up and return the kit on time, in its original condition, you will receive a refund of $15.  That’s right, for just $10 girls get the opportunity to write an algorithm, create a prototype, and showoff their rad robotics!

Program Aide Core Training Toolkit

Program Aide (PA) Core Training is designed to help Girl Scout Cadettes discover their talents as mentors and leaders of younger girls, gain the confidence, knowledge, and expertise to guide girls, and prepare them to hold future leadership positions both inside and outside of Girl Scouts. 

To better support co-leaders and volunteers planning to deliver Program Aide Core training, the program team has created and made available Program Aide Core Training Toolkits. PA Core Toolkits contain all but a few of the items facilitators need for the training and eliminate the need for you to make copies and gather supplies. 

A fee of $3 per girl is due at the time of your reservation.  Each girl will receive a copy of the Girl Workbook to take home.  There is a hardcopy of the facilitator’s guide included in the kit.  Both the girl workbook and the facilitator’s guide will be attached to your confirmation email to help you prepare to facilitate the training.  

Compass Kit

This set of 20 compasses will allow your troop to experience the joys of orienteering. In each kit, get a set of 20 compasses, a teaching compass, and a few tips and tricks to help you learn.

Pocket Knives Kit

Check out our set of 20 knives that can be used to help your troop learn to learn basic knife safety, whittling, and other carving skills. This kit provides only the knives.

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