November 5, 2022 | 10:00 a.m. – 4:00
North Carolina State University, Centennial Campus
Girl Scouts-North Carolina Coastal Pines' signature STEM event, TechnoQuest, is back at NC State in 2022! During this event, Girl Scout Juniors through Ambassadors (Grades 4-12) dive into hands-on learning in space science, engineering, robotics, and more. Lead a workshop in your STEM related field or be a speaker or speed mentor as part of our opening event activities.
Seeking: Facilitators to lead workshops in STEM fields, panelists/speakers in STEM related fields, and general event volunteers to assist workshop facilitators or assist with event set up, registration and check-out. Questions? Contact Sam Chappell
Ready to sign up or need more information? Fill out our Signature Events Volunteer Interest Form today!
MiniQuest 2023
March 18, 2023 | 10:00 a.m. – 2:00
Camp Mary Atkinson, Johnston County
MiniQuest invites Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors (Grades K-5) to explore topics in creative arts, pet care, healthy living, team building and more. Be a guest speaker at our opening event or lead a life-skills workshop in your chosen field or a life-skills related topic you enjoy in your free time.
Seeking: Facilitators to lead workshops on life skills topics, panelists/speakers in life skills related fields and topics, and general event volunteers to assist workshop facilitators or assist with event set up, registration and check-out. Questions? Contact Sam Chappell
Ready to sign up or need more information? Fill out our Signature Events Volunteer Interest Form today!
GirlQuest 2023
April 22,
2023 | 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Fayetteville Technical Community
College, Cumberland County
Join us at our newest Signature Event, GirlQuest created specifically for Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors (Grades 6-12). At this event, girls will enjoy hands-on learning on topics from healthy living and college readiness to photography, financial literacy, digital media, and more! Be a guest speaker at our opening event or lead a workshop in your chosen field or a topic you enjoy in your free time.
Seeking: Facilitators to lead workshops on life skills topics, panelists/speakers in life skills related fields or topics, and general event volunteers to assist workshop facilitators or assist with event set up, registration and check-out. Questions? Contact Sam Chappell
Ready to sign up or need more information? Fill out our Signature Events Volunteer Interest Form today!