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Jo-Ann Bafaro, Girl Scout Alumnae

Girl Scout Testimonial: 
I don't think I can define myself without crediting Girl Scouting to that definition. I joined Girl Scouting in the Second Grade, as early as I possibly could back then, and never left. By Junior High I was helping out in other troops; I earned my First Class, became a CIT, Program Aide, and worked at summer camp. Sometimes I think my blood is green.

Girl Scouting has given me lifetime friendships; courage to stand up in front of groups and speak; organizational skills; the love of the out or doors and all things nature; the ability to accept people from all walks of life as they are; a deeper desire to help people; more patience; a love of singing; and memories that will last forever. Without Girl Scouting I know I wouldn't be who I am be whom I am today

Girl Scout Alumni Testimonial: 

I was blessed to be a troop leader for a number of years and I think perhaps the greatest gift I received in that capacity was that one of my girls told me she went into teaching because of my leadership and what I did as a leader and what I taught her. She is an incredible pre-school teacher today. What a gift that is! And she stayed in Girl Scouting through High School. Another one of my girls is now working in Girl Scouting in another Council and doing phenomenal things for them. Just seeing girls succeed is huge and having them come back and say "Thank You" is a gift.

Girl Scouting is something I think all girls should be able to experience. The benefits of the program are invaluable. To be able to share this program with other girls under the right leadership is something I believe all girls can truly grow from.

I owe who I am from this program and to be able to give back to it in some way is just a small thank you.

Amy Feeley-Austin, Girl Scout Alumnae

I began Girl Scouting as a first grader; the troop was a fun and inclusive environment where I could thrive and explore with increasing independence. I decided to remain in scouting through Senior year of High School, and took an awards oriented track culminating in my Gold Award achievement in 2000. I was also involved in council representation, and attended national events as a girl representative of my council. During one of the sessions, I spoke in front of thousands of mostly adult members to engage in the decision making process.

I am now a 33 year old mother of two boys, but I am also a Girl Scout leader. Although I have only been out of college for 12 years, I have been working professionally for 14 years beginning at age 19 when I was a legislative staff in the MA House of Representatives-my job was through a connection I made in scouting.

Since that time I have obtained 4, (1 undergraduate and 3 graduate) degrees, and presently work as an epidemiologist and administrator at a large Community Health Center in Worcester MA. I attribute a lot of my success, confidence and stick-to-it-iveness to Girl Scouting.

Marion (Mim) Creamer, Gold and Highest Award Recipient

I received my Curved Bar prior to graduating from high school in 1960. It was midway through my lengthy career as an educator that I realized how much Girl Scouting had impacted my life. The experiences it provided me gave me the courage to find my voice and speak up for what I believed in and it gave me the confidence to try new things. It became the underpinning (along with the values nurtured at home as I was growing up) for me to frequently assume a role as an advocate and/or mentor in different situations. I would suggest to my friends to volunteer because it is only then that they will truly know how much they really have to share with girls taking the Girl Scout Journey. I have had many wonderful moments in Girl Scouts. I believe being selected to attend the 1959 Girl Scout Roundup in Colorado and recently receiving the Girl Scout Appreciation pin are definite highlights. 
