Our GSNorCal staff are extremely dedicated
and committed to making Girl Scouting available to all girls in our
nineteen counties. Staff provide services to members and perform
council support roles.
For questions and assistance, please contact
our Member Services Department. All calls and emails are tracked to
ensure a world class level of customer service is being provided.
1 (800) 447-4475 ext. 0
Much of our staff spends a great deal of time “in the field” away
from their email or phones. Each Member Services Specialist has
information at their fingertips via an extensive solutions database.
In the unlikely event they are not able to answer your question, they
will forward your inquiry to a staff person who can. Help is also
available in Spanish.
Our friendly Member Services staff can help you with your needs and
questions including:
- Any questions about Girl Scout Programming
- Adult
background check process or status
- Online membership
registration and renewal
- Troop Banking
- The Guide;
program event information and registration
- Camp information
and registration
- Property information and reservations
- Online and In-person adult learning course information and
Here is an alphabetical listing of other departments within GSNorCal:
Camp and Adventure: Responsible for the summer council-run and
volunteer-run Day and Resident Camps. If your service unit or region
is interested in or is running a camp, Camps and Adventures can assist
and support you. They are also responsible for the operation of our
ropes courses and school-year outdoor experience programming. Visit camp.gsnorcal.org for more information.
eLearning: Responsible for creating and maintaining e-learning
modules for volunteers, including fall and cookie product training.
Finance: Responsible for paying the bills and keeping track of
our income, as well as managing the reporting process for grant projects.
Fund Development: Responsible for soliciting grants and
individual gifts to support our girl program. If you plan to solicit
donations of goods, services, or funds, you should check with our Fund
Development Department before doing so. They can assist you with
solicitation and/or acknowledgement letters and ensure that donations
are tax deductible for your donors. (info@gsnorcal.org)
Human Resources: Responsible for administering employment
processes, including job postings, recruiting, and performance
evaluation systems, as well as managing employee on-boarding and
benefits. They are also responsible for employee relations programs
such as diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, health and safety,
and employee policies and procedures.
Marketing/Communications (MarComm): Responsible for recruitment
of new members, as well as all interaction with social, print, radio,
or television media. They also produce The Trailhead, Volunteer
View and other communication pieces. If you’ve been approached by the
media, or would like to place articles in your local media, MarComm
can help.
Product Program: Responsible for our two largest girl programs,
focused on financial literacy and developing an entrepreneurial
mindset. The Product Program department supports volunteers and girls
in achieving their goals through the Fall Take Action and Cookie
Programs, both providing exceptional opportunities for girls to
develop life skills, such as resiliency, teamwork, and commitment,
along with entrepreneurial skills such as innovation, strategic risk
taking, and social impact.
Program: Responsible for ensuring that all girls in GSNorCal
have the benefit of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE).
Program staff partner with service units to deliver program
opportunities for girls, manage council-run events offered in
the Guide, oversee girl awards, run girl training courses and
in-person adult learning courses, and supply Green by Nature
(environmental) and Girls Go Tech (science, technology, engineering,
& math) program boxes. Staff also serve girls directly through
Discover Together (a program for girls in low-income communities), Got
Choices (a program for girls involved with the juvenile justice
system), and Daughters of Farm Workers (a program for girls and their
families in migrant communities).
Property: Responsible for maintaining GSNorCal’s nineteen
properties (council camps and program centers). If you rent any of our
camp properties, you will meet our friendly site managers.
Retail Stores: Responsible for running our retail stores in the
Alameda, Chico, Eureka, Redding, San Jose, and Santa Rosa office
locations. They also bring mini-stores to major events in the council.
Shop online anytime: www.girlscoutshop.com/NORTHERN-CALIFORNIA-COUNCIL
Risk Management: Responsible for trip and high adventure
approval process, management of the Volunteer Essentials, purchase of
additional insurance for members/non-members, management of the
high-adventure approved vendor list, signing agreements and contracts,
fulfillment of Certificate of Insurance (COI) requests, forms creation
and editing, and management of the Safety Activity Checkpoints.
Contact insurance@gsnorcal.org for
any insurance or policy questions. Contact travel@gsnorcal.org for
trip or adventure planning questions.
Membership Experience: Responsible for supporting members and
volunteer recognition. Your local Volunteer Development Manager (VDM)
or Membership Manager (MM) can assist with many basic questions or can
help you find who can. They support the volunteer teams that provide
services to leaders and girls in local areas and attend Service Unit
Team and Leader meetings.