Do you know your Bridging Ceremony from your Brownie Ring? Your Five
Outcomes from your Friendship Circle? Your Progression from your
Pathways? Have you ever come across a Girl Scout term that you were
unfamiliar with? Your guessing days are over!
We’ve captured some of the most frequently used Girl Scout terms and
placed them in this handy Glossary. You can print the PDF Version or you can scroll the alphabitized
list below and use our search function in the top right hand corner of
this page if there is a specific term you are looking for.
~ A ~
Accident-Injury Report
online submittable or paper (pdf) form that is used to report any
accident or injury occurring at a Girl Scout event, activity, meeting,
campout, field trip, etc.
Additional Insurance
Beyond the Basic Insurance Plan that covers registered members for
approved, supervised Girl Scout activities lasting two consecutive
nights or less, additional insurance can be purchased to cover
non-member participants, events that last longer than three days,
illness, and out-of-state and international travel. Consult the Safety-Wise chapter of the Volunteer Essentials for more information.
Adult Background Check
become an approved volunteer, adults are required to undergo an
electronic background check.
Adult-to-Girl Ratio
The minimum number of adults needed
to supervise a specific number of girls. The purpose of these ratios
is to ensure safety & health of girls. Ratios must include at
least 2, unrelated, approved adults (see Safety-Wise Chapter in Volunteer Essentials for more detail).
AED (Automated External Defibrillator)
A lightweight,
portable device that delivers an electric shock through the chest to
the heart. Referred to in First Aid training.
Alum Newsletter
monthly electronic newsletter that includes inspiring profiles of
alums, career advice from woman paying it forward, and information
about upcoming Girl Scout events.
A level in Girl
Scouting. Girl Scout Ambassadors are in grades 11 and 12.
Annual Meeting
The yearly meeting a local Girl
Scout council holds to elect its board of directors and conduct
other business essential to Girl Scouting in the council.
Assistant Troop Leader
Sometimes referred to as the
Troop Co-Leader
. Registered and background
checked individual who works alongside the troop leader to
coordinate and organize meeting activities, communicates with girls,
parents/guardians and families, and engage girls in their Girl Scout journey.
A category of achievements earned
which include Journey Awards, Lifesaving Awards, Highest Awards,
Leadership Awards, Adult Awards, and more.
~ B ~
Girls earn badges in a variety of skill areas to help them grow
into well-rounded adults. Badges are official awards worn on the
front of the sash or vest (tunic or vest for Daisies).
When girls advance from one level
of Girl Scouting to the next. Typically, bridging is celebrated
with a ceremony that occurs during the spring/summer in preparation
for the new school year. A bridging patch can be earned when a girl
transitions to all levels.
Bridging Ceremony
A ceremony that celebrates the
transition from one level in Girl Scouting to the next.
Bronze Award
The highest award a Girl Scout Junior
(4th and 5th grade) can earn.
Bronze Cross
An award available for girls of all levels
who have shown extraordinary heroism saving a life or attempting to
save a list with risk to the candidate’s own life.
A level in Girl Scouting. Girl
Scout Brownies are in grades 2 and 3.
Brownie Ring
The Brownie Ring is the planning portion of
Brownie troop meetings, where decisions for the troop are made. Girls
lead discussions and brainstorm ideas. A Ring Leader may be designated
to lead discussions; this role should be rotated. The Brownie Ring is
a good way to make major troop decisions from what badges to work on
next to how to spend product program profits.
Buddy System
A safety system in which girls are paired
to help and keep track of each other.
~ C ~
A level in Girl
Scouting. Girl Scout Cadettes are in grades 6 to 8.
Camp (Resident/Overnight or Day Camp)
A resident camp
typically means there will be an overnight stay (over the course of a
week or longer) at a Girl Scout-sponsored camp. Day camp usually means
attending a camp during the day (under 12-hour period of time) at a
Girl Scout-sponsored camp.
A weekend camping event usually organized by a
service unit to serve its members.
Any inquiry by members is logged
as a case in GSNorCal’s membership system. A case is then handled by
staff so that volunteers can get the answers they need as quickly
and as accurately as possible. Members receive email notification
that their case has been forwarded to the staff subject matter expert.
Certificate of Insurance (COI)
A Certificate of
Insurance (COI) is an electronic or physical document that provides
proof to our vendors that GSNorCal has a valid, active insurance
policy. Meeting places, e.g., school districts, community centers,
etc., and booth sales locations, e.g., shopping centers, local
businesses, will often ask GSNorCal for a COI to prove that the
council is insured should damage occur to their properties by Girl
Scouts during the course of the Girl Scout meeting or event. COIs can
be requested by submitting a Certificate of Insurance Request
Form that can be found on the council website.
Cheddar Up
An online payment and collection platform
that troop leaders and service units can use to manage their Girl
Scout collections.
A term used for people whose gender identity
matches their sex assigned at birth. For example, someone who
identifies as a woman and was assigned female at birth is a
cisgender. The term cisgender is the opposite of the word transgender.
Closing Ceremony (sometimes referred to as a “Friendship
A ceremony held at the end of Girl Scout troop
meetings or gatherings. Girls gather in a friendship circle and sing
“Taps” or “Make New Friends” and then end the meeting circle with a
friendship squeeze.
Community-Based Programs
GSNorCal’s community-based
programs help fill gaps in the educational, developmental, and
social needs of almost 3,000 low-income, high-need girls each year.
Our signature programs include:
- Girl Scouts Discover Together, our award-winning STEM and environmental science enrichment series
- Got Choices, serving girls who are involved or are at risk of becoming involved with the juvenile justice system
- Daughters of Farm Workers, a leadership and skill-building program for girls from marginalized farmworker communities
Community-Based Program Manager
GSNorCal staff member who manages
troops at local community centers and afterschool programs for girls
who might otherwise not be able to participate in Girl Scouts.
Community Partner
Community members and/or groups
who share a common goal and work together to improve the community
in specific ways. By having community partners, Girl Scouts can have
a greater reach in the community with a more sustainable program.
Community Partner Award
A service unit award recognizing
individuals or groups within the community who have had a positive
impact on the service unit by volunteering, providing donations, or
providing other outstanding support to Girl Scouts.
Community Service
A way for Girl Scouts to give back to
the community by providing services that fulfill the Girl Scout
Mission of making the world a better place.
Community Service Bar
Earned by Cadette, Senior, and
Ambassador girls who make a difference in the community while
practicing Girl Scout values. Details are available in
The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.
Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pin
All girls who participate
in the Girl Scout Cookie Program are eligible to earn the annual
Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pin, which they earn by developing
essential business skills. This pin is available to all grade levels.
Cookie Program
Part of GSNorCal’s Product
Program, the Cookie Program is the largest girl-led financial
literacy program in the country. Girls learn 21
entrepreneurial skills like goal
setting, decision making, people skills, money management, and
business ethics all while earning money to fund their Girl Scout adventures.
Our council is Girl Scouts of
Northern California (GSNorCal). We are chartered by Girl Scouts of
the USA (GSUSA) to organize and deliver Girl Scout Program in our
geographic area. Council membership includes all girls and adults
the council has registered and its corporate body, nominating
committee, and board members, committees and task groups, as well as
its employed staff. Currently, there are 112 Girl Scout councils in
the USA.
Council Board of Directors
A board elected by members of the
local Girl Scout council and, between annual meetings, empowered to
act for it within the framework of the council’s bylaws. Board
members represent many aspects of the community as well as of Girl Scouting.
Counselor-in-Training (CIT)
This award is earned by Girl Scout
Seniors and Ambassadors experienced campers by combining their love
for the outdoors with their leadership skills and goals.
Court of Awards
A ceremony where girls receive
awards for their achievements.
Culture Code
A statement that recognizes GSNorCal’s
mission to be a part of a movement that builds equity, inclusion,
diversity, and belonging for all.
~ D ~
A level in Girl Scouting. Daisy Girl Scouts are in
kindergarten-grade 1.
Daisy Circle
The planning portion of Daisy troop
meetings, where decisions for the troop are made. In the circle.
Girls learn communication and decision-making skills by participating
in a large group discussion. The Daisy Circle can begin or end a
meeting and is recommended to only last 5-15 minutes.
Day Camp
Programs conducted within a
twelve-hour period over three or more days, occasionally including
an overnight stay.
A Girl Scout member, 14 years of
age or older, elected to a voting position in the council.
Delegates serve as the primary communication link between girl and
adult members and GSNorCal’s Board of Directors. They provide input
to the Board on our Council’s strategy and elect the Council Board
of Directors.
Girl Scout activities/events/trips that
individual girls aged 14-17 can opt to participate in to broaden their
perspectives. Destinations can take place nationally or internationally.
Digital Cookie™
An electronic platform that allows girl
entrepreneurs to customize the way they learn and earn during the Girl
Scout Cookie Program, using technology in new and engaging ways, all
while earning cookie badges along the way.
The process that is followed when
troops will not continue the following year. Troops disband for
different reasons, most often when the girls age out of Girl Scouts,
or when a leader can no longer lead the troop and no other leader
has been identified. When a troop disbands, GSNorCal will work with
parents/guardians to place girls in other troops if they would like
to remain in Girl Scouts.
A fun learning event for adult volunteers
held in early February every year.
Diversity and Inclusion
These are core values of Girl
Scouts since its founding in 1912. GSNorCal and GSUSA are committed
to assuring equal opportunity for all volunteers, valuing diversity
regarding race, color, creed, ethnicity, religion, age, disability,
sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin,
ancestry, veteran status, citizenship, pregnancy, childbirth or other
related medical condition, marital status, political persuasion, or
any other classification protected by federal, state, or local laws,
or ordinances.
~ E ~
Early Bird Registration
Spring registration of currently
registered girls and adults for the following membership year.
The program used by volunteers and parents during
the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
EGSE (Essential Girl Scout Experience)
A roadmap to help
troops reach the goal of great outcomes for girls. This roadmap
focuses on the basic Girl Scout concepts of Sisterhood, Supportive Adults, and Special Experiences, along with Troop Fundamentals and Camp Fundamentals to help troop
leaders lead a rich experience with their troops.
Emergency Medical Services
Also known as
ambulance services
paramedic services
, Emergency Medical Services. EMS
provide urgent pre-hospital treatment and stabilization for serious
injuries and transport to medical care. Referred to in GSNorCal
first aid training.
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
The most common type
of providers in EMS. Referred to in GSNorCal’s first aid training.
Essential Life Skills
Five skills every girl learns by
participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program:
1) Goal Setting
2) Decision Making
Money Management
4) People Skills, and
Business Ethics
Events Calendar
Formerly called the Activity Finder, the
Events Calendar can be found on
the GSNorCal website. It is the easy way to find fun Girl Scout
events to help troop leaders plan their troop year. Troop leaders can
choose between list, calendar, and day views, and filter activities by
grade, location, price, audience, program theme, length of program,
location, and more.
Extended Troop Travel
A trip lasting three nights or
more that requires GSNorCal approval, additional insurance coverage
arranged through GSNorCal, and an updated Health History Form with
health examination.
~ F ~
Faith-Based Awards
Girls can learn what their faith and
Girl Scouting have in common through earning faith-based awards
including the My Promise, My Faith pin and Religious Recognitions.
Girls can earn the My Promise, My Faith pin once a year, every year
they are in Girl Scouts. Details can be found in The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting
for the five steps to earn the pin.
Fall Festival
A fun learning weekend event for
adult volunteers held in October every year.
Fall Take Action Program
An important Community Service
piece of the Essential Girl Scout Experience. Taking part in the
program gives girls the opportunity and equity to give back to their
community while funding their dreams of making a difference.
Family of the Year Award
A service unit award recognizing
families who have contributed outstanding service to troops and/or
service unit in supporting their troop, camp, special events,
product programs, etc.
Family Camp
Families of all shapes and sizes
can explore camp in an open-house format while trained, experienced
camp staff offer swimming, high ropes course programming, singing
around the campfire, and more.
Five Outcomes
Validated measures closely
connected to the Girl Scout Mission and program activities. When
girls participate in Girl Scouts, they benefit in five important ways:
- A strong sense of self,
- Positive values,
- Challenge seeking,
- Healthy relationships, and
- Community problem solving.
Flag Ceremony
Honors the American flag as a
symbol of our country and all the hopes, dreams, and people it
represents. Learning to perform a flag ceremony is a great troop
meeting activity and gives girls a chance to learn the history of
the American flag and all of the rules surrounding it.
Fly-up Ceremony
The event at which a Girl Scout
Brownie receives her Brownie Wings and becomes a Girl Scout Junior.
Forms Index
Located on the GSNorCal website in
the Forms section and organized by category and topic, the Forms
Index displays forms and resources available to volunteers and staff members.
Founders Day
October 31 marks the birthday of the
founder of Girls Scouts of the USA, Juliette Gordon Low, in Savannah,
Georgia in 1860.
Four Pillars
Four areas that form the foundation of the
Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE). Girls will gain important
skills: STEM (science,
technology, engineering & math), Outdoor, Life Skills, and Entrepreneurship.
Friendship Circle
A circle formed by Girl Scouts
standing and clasping hands. The circle represents the unbroken
chain of friendship and is usually used as a closing ceremony at
meetings and events.
Friendship Squeeze
A hand squeeze that travels around
a friendship circle from one person to another after someone starts it.
~ G ~
Referred to in the Girl Scout program, acronym
for Go-Getters who strive for
what they want to accomplish, Innovators who think outside the
box, Risk-Takers who aren’t
afraid to try new things or to fail, and Leaders who are confident,
responsible, and committed to changing the world.
Gender Queer
A term used for a person who does
not subscribe to conventional gender distinctions but identifies
with neither, both, or a combination of male and female genders.
Girl Guide
The term used to identify girls
and adults who are members of the Girl Guiding Movement in many
countries. Girl Guides and Girl Scouts are part of the World
Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).
Girl Scouts incorporates girl
leadership into virtually every component of our program. We
encourage girls to take ownership of projects, meetings, and
planning opportunities. Girls partner with adults to facilitate
meetings and other Girl Scout programs. As girls get older, the
level of responsibility and leadership opportunities increase.
Girl Scout
A member of Girl Scouts of the USA or another
country’s national Girl Scout organization.
Girl Scout Adult
An adult member of the Girl Scouts who
is at least 18 or older or has completed high school.
Girl Scout Birthday
The official birthday of Girl
Scouting is March 12. It is celebrated during Girl Scout Week and
marks the first meeting of a Girl Scout troop held in Savannah,
Georgia, in 1912.
Girl Scout Gold Award
The highest award in Girl
Scouting. Earned by girls aged 14-17, this award recognizes the
leadership, efforts, and impact girls have had on their communities.
Girl Scout Handshake
A formal way of greeting other
Girl Scouts and Girl Guides. You shake hands with the left hand and
give the Girl Scout sign with your right hand.
Girl Scout Law
Along with the Girl Scout Promise,
the Girl Scout Law is the credo of Girl Scouting. A girl lives the
10 parts of the Girl Scout Law to fulfill the Girl Scout Promise.
I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and so,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.
Girl Scout Leader/Volunteer/Advisor (See also Troop Leader)
A registered and trained adult with an approved electronic
background check on file with GSNorCal who meets regularly with girls
to help them achieve the purposes of Girl Scouting.
Girl Scout Leader Appreciation
A day of appreciation for Girl
Scout leaders and adult volunteers in Girl Scouting celebrated every
year on April 22.
Girl Scout Leadership Experience
These are the 3 keys to girl leadership:
- Discover where girls find out who they are, what they care about, and what their talents are,
- Connect where girls collaborate with others to make the world a better place, and
- Take Action where girls do something to improve their world.
Girl Scout Membership Year
A term of membership that
begins October 1 and ends September 30 of each year.
Girl Scout Mission Statement
“Girl Scouts builds girls
of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place.”
Girl Scout Motto
“Be Prepared”
Girl Scout Playbook
An electronic troop guide ideal for
new troop leaders. Provides tips for planning a successful troop year.
Girl Scout Program Levels
Program levels are divided by
grade level. The levels are:
- Daisy (K-1st grade),
- Brownie (2nd-3rd),
- Junior (4th- 5th),
- Cadette (6th-8th),
- Senior (9th-10th),
- Ambassador (11th-12th)
Girl Scout Promise
Along with the Girl Scout Law, the
Girl Scout Promise is the foundation of the Girl Scout movement; the
pledge that binds members together as part of the Movement. A girl
must make the Promise to become a Girl Scout member:
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God* and my country,
To help people at all times.
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
*Members may substitute the word “God” in accordance with their own spiritual beliefs.
Girl Scout Sign
The sign is made by raising three
fingers of the right hand, which is held shoulder high. This is the
official Girl Scout greeting. The three raised fingers stand for
the three parts of the Promise. The sign is made when Girl Scout
members recite the Girl Scout Promise and Law.
Girl Scout Silver Award
The second highest award in Girl
Scouting, earned by girls aged 11-14.
Girl Scout Voices Count Survey
USUSA’s annual survey to
learn how girls, parents/caregivers, and troop leaders experience Girl Scouting.
Girl Scout Volunteer’s Day
A day of appreciation for
adult volunteers in Girl Scouting held on April 22 every year.
Girl Scout Week
The week containing March 12, Girl
Scout’s birthday. This observance is celebrated each year, starting
with the Sunday on or preceding the 12th.
Girl Scouts’ Own
These are girl-planned inspirational
ceremonies held in the troop or at camp.
Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting
Girl program resource that
includes fun activities, an all-in-one badge book, and a handbook.
This resource complements the Girl Scout Journeys. There is a
different guide for every Girl Scout program level.
Golden Gate Bridging
GSNorCal’s annual bridging event
for Junior Girl Scouts bridging to the Cadette level at the end of
their 5th grade year. Girls
come from across the nation to participate. The day begins with the
girls walking across the Golden Gate Bridge with their troop leaders.
Throughout the day, they participate in fun activities on Crissy
Field, followed by the largest friendship circle ever!
A camp snack favorite. An acronym that stands for
Good Old Raisins and Peanuts or
Granola, Oats, Raisins and Peanuts,
whichever you prefer.
The policy-setting system from which GSNorCal
is run.
Green Angel Award
A service unit award recognizing
volunteers who bring Girl Scout program to their service unit in the
most creative or innovative way.
GSLE (Girl Scout Leadership Experience)
The national
Girl Scout program, sometimes referred to as the Three Processes. By
participating in the program activities in the Journeys and The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouts,
girls learn leadership skills. Every activity that girls do in Girl
Scouting should deliver the benefits of the GSLE. Girls Discover, Connect, and Take Action in a girl-led,
cooperative learning, and learning by doing way so that they can
become leaders who can make the world a better place.
GSUSA: Girl Scouts of the United States of America
name of our national organization. The national headquarters is
located in New York City.
~ H ~
Health History Form
An updated record of a girl’s past
and present health status that includes allergies, chronic illnesses,
injuries, etc., which her parent/guardian completes for Girl Scouts.
Adults who volunteer with girls may also be required to provide a
health history form, especially those who will be travelling with
girls on overnight or extended trips.
Heritage Committee
Volunteer committee responsible for
keeping Girl Scout history alive by creating wonderful exhibits at
museums, in some council office locations, and at its stand-alone
museum at Camp Bothin. The committee also maintains a collection of
uniforms and equipment that is available to loan out for public
displays and fashion shows.
High-Adventure Activities
Activities that must be approved
prior to the activity by GSNorCal’s Risk Management team. These
activities involve a reasonable expectation of physical risk to the
girls and/or a legal risk to the adults and/or the council. A list
of these activities can be found in the Safety-Wise Chapter of the
Volunteer Essentials
Highest Awards
The highest awards, sometimes referred to
as “Older Girl Awards”, are the highest honors a Girl Scout can earn
in the Girl Scout program. There are three high awards:
- Bronze, earned by Girl Scout Juniors
- Silver, earned by Girl Scout Cadettes
- Gold, earned by Girl Scouts Seniors and Ambassadors
These awards give girls a chance to take action in their community and make a difference. There are specific requirements in order to earn each award.
Honor Pin
A national award for adults recognizing
outstanding service to two or more communities.
A camp tradition where meals served family style
have a “hopper” designated for each table. The hopper collects the
meal dishes before the meal and delivers it their table and “hops”
from table to table during the meal to request more food if their
table runs out of a dish. At the end of the meal, the hopper collects
their tables’ used dishes and returns them to the dish cleaning station.
~ I ~
Incident Report
Form used to report any non-injury
incident that occurs which may result in future problems or
repercussions for the people involved or for GSNorCal. Incidents
might include:
- A serious argument
- A physical altercation
- A non-injury accident of any sort where police are summoned
- Possible or threatened legal proceedings
- Possible or threatened adverse report(s) to the media
Inclusion (See also Diversity and Inclusion)
The deeply
held belief subscribed to by all members that all girls must be
included in Girl Scout activities.
Individual Registered Member (IRM)
Also called a
“Juliette”, this is a term for a Girl Scout who is not a member of a
traditional troop program. IRMs enjoy the same components of the Girl
Scouts program, i.e., badges, journeys, etc., but they do not belong
to a troop. They can participate in council events, camp, and travel.
The umbrella term for earned age-level awards,
religious and other awards, emblems, and participation patches and
pins. Girls wear all insignia, except participation patches and pins,
on the front of their Girl Scout uniform. Adult insignia includes the
volunteer pin, level pins, position pins, numeral guards, and years of
service pins.
Interest Form
Prospective girl or adult members can
complete the online interest form, which will trigger staff to help
them get started.
A special ceremony in which a new member
makes her Girl Scout Promise, receives her membership pin, and is
formally welcomed into Girl Scouting.
~ J ~
A program for each level of Girl Scouting that
takes the girls through a series of age-appropriate activities to help
them discover, connect and take action to lead with courage,
confidence and character to make the world a better place.
Journey Summit Awards
Awards earned by girls at all
levels who have completed three National Leadership Journeys at their
grade level. The colored border around each pin corresponds to their
grade level. This is the highest award that a Girl Scout Daisy and a
Girl Scout Brownie can earn.
Also called an” IRM” or “Individual Registered
Member”, term for a Girl Scout who is not a member of a traditional
troop program. Juliettes enjoy the same components of the Girl Scouts
program, i.e., badges, journeys, etc., but they do not belong to a
troop. They can participate in council events, camp, and travel.
Juliette Gordon Low
The founder of the Girl Scout
Movement in the United States born in Savannah, Georgia in 1860. Her
nickname was Daisy. Juliette’s birthday is celebrated every year on
March 12.
A level in Girl Scouting. Junior Girl Scouts
grades 4 and 5.
~ K ~
Kaper Chart
A chart that shows the delegation of
temporary jobs and rotation of responsibility with the troop or
group. The chart typically rotates or can be easily so that everyone
experiences each job and has the opportunity for leadership.
~ L ~
Leader Support Manager (LSM)
This is a service unit
volunteer responsible for supporting and retaining existing leaders
and girls. The LSM plans and facilitates ongoing service unit
meetings and support for volunteers.
Leadership in Action Award (LiA)
An award for Cadette
girls, LiA candidates share their organizational skills, use special
talents, teach Brownies something important from their Journey, and
reflect on their Girl Scout experience.
Learning Facilitator (LF)
A volunteer who represents council in facilitating Adult Learning courses and/or supporting volunteers.
Lifetime Membership
Granted to any person 18 years of
age or older or a high school graduate. There are two fee structures:
- $400 (one-time fee) for any adult 18 years of age or older who is not a former girl member, or a former girl member who is 30 years or older
- $200 (one-time fee) for any former girl member who is 18-29 years old.
~ M ~
Medal of Honor
This award, available to girls in all
Girl Scout levels, is earned by a girl who has shown presence of mind
and true Girl Scout spirit saving a life or lives or attempting to
save a life or lives without risk to the candidate’s own life.
Membership Development Manager
MDMs are council staff members who
work with volunteer Troop Support Managers to recruit new girls and
adult members into troops and support them through their first year
in Girl Scouts.
Membership Year
The membership year begins on October 1
and ends on September 30.
Money-earning Activities
When a troop needs to
supplement its dues and product program earnings for a special trip or
event, the troop may plan a money-earning event to help with the
costs. Money-earning events should be girl-led and require approval
by the service unit or council.
~ N ~
National Delegate
Elected representative of GSNorCal who
attends the National Council Session of the Girl Scouts of the USA.
This position is responsible for determining the direction Girl
Scouting will take throughout the country. Adult and girl members
aged 14+ are eligible to apply for this position.
National Proficiency Badges
Badges that enable girls to
explore their interests and learn new skills. Details can be found
The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.
National Program Portfolio
Series of resources that bring
Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) to life for girls. It
The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting
, Journeys, and national program
awards (badges and pins). These are the foundation of the Girl
Scout Program.
New Leader’s Guide to Success
A guidebook for new troop
leaders with key information to help them get their troop started.
This term represents a spectrum of gender
identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine. Non-binary
identities can fall under the transgender umbrella, since many
non-binary people identify with a gender that is different from their
assigned sex.
~ O ~
Opening Ceremony
An official way to start a troop
meeting or Girl Scout event. In the troop meeting setting, girls are
invited to sit or stand in a circle and participate in an opening
activity, e.g., performing a simple flag ceremony, reciting the Girl
Scout Promise, singing a Girl Scout song, sharing a favorite poem, or
having each girl share a part of her day. In larger Girl Scout
events, the Opening Ceremony include a flag ceremony, reciting the
Girl Scout Promise, and welcome information to participants.
To treat, view, or make someone
feel like they do not belong.
~ P ~
A term used for people who are not limited in
sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender
identity—a wide variety of sexual preferences.
Parent Meeting
The initial meeting every troop
should have at the beginning of each school year, or when a new
troop first starts. At this meeting, the troop leaders meet the
parents, collect forms and payments, and decide on ways parents can
be involved in the year.
Participation Catalog
Formerly called the Troop Catalog
or Opportunity Catalog, the
Participation Catalog is a great way to find Girl
Scouting options that works for a girl’s schedule, location, and
interests. The catalog includes troop descriptions so that girls can
find a troop that matches what they would like to do.
Participation Patches and Pins
Supplementary insignia
received by girls for simply participating in an event or activity.
Commonly called “fun patches”. Girls wear participation patches and
pins on the back of their Girl Scout uniform.
The ways in which girls and adults experience
Girl Scouting. The most common are Troop, Camp, and Series, but also
included are Event, Travel and Virtual.
A form of troop
government in which the troop is divided into small group of girls
that plan and carry out activities within the troop.
Permission Forms
There are two permission forms used
most often. The Annual Permission
form is filled out at the beginning of the school year by
parents/guardians who provide permission for girls to:
- Attend and participate in short, nearby troop and council-sponsored activities that are not of a high-adventure nature,
- Participate in virtual meetings and activities,
- Participate in the Product Program,
- Have their photographs, electronic images, etc., used in Girl Scout media,
- Receive emergency medical treatment, in the event of an emergency when the parent/guardian, or their designated emergency contact cannot be located,
- Participate in council survey.
The Activity/Event Permission form is filled out by parents/guardians when girls will be participating in any activities or events that will take place on a different day, time, or location from their regular troop meetings.
These are earned awards by Girl Scout Daisies.
Girls earn the Promise Center by showing they understand the Girl
Scout Promise. Girls earn Petals by showing they understand the 10
parts of the Girl Scout Law.
This go-to guide for planning a
successful troop year pulls together key resources and best advice
in one key place for new and experienced troop leaders. It can be
launched from the GSNorCal website.
An established course of action
that must be followed.
Product Program
Council-wide girl-led
entrepreneurial program where girls participate in the Girl Scout
Cookie Program and the Girl Scout Fall Take Action Program. Girls
develop life skills, such as leadership, teamwork and commitment,
along with business skills in marketing, project management, and budgeting.
Program Aide (PA) Award
This award, for Cadette girls, is achieved by earning a Leader in
Award (LiA) badge, and assisting younger girls by sharing their
skills, passion, and experience over the course of six activity
sessions. Learn more in the Program
Aide Girl Workbook.
Program Support Manager (PSM)
This is a service unit
volunteer responsible for ensuring that all service unit program
activities and events deliver the Girl Scout Leadership Experience benefits.
Term used to describe an approach
that enables girls to gradually grow their skills that will enrich
their experiences in an age-appropriate way.
Property Rentals
Eleven camps and properties spread
throughout Northern California are available for rental during the
off-season (non-summer months) to GSNorCal troops, volunteers, and to
the public. Information can be found at rentals.
~ Q ~
An umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities
who are not heterosexual or are not cisgender.
Quiet Sign
Raising the right hand over the
head to signal for attention and quiet at any Girl Scout gathering.
When the hand goes up, mouths go quiet, and everyone joins in
giving the quiet sign.
~ R ~
Rededication Ceremony
A formal ceremony at which a girl
or adult, who was previously invested into Girl Scouts, renews their
Girl Scout Promise.
Religious & Other Awards
Official awards earned for
completing requirements set by religious/other organizations or by
Girl Scouts of the USA. These awards are all worn on a similar place
on the Girl Scout uniform.
Resident Camp
Also called “sleepover camp”,
resident camp is an essential step in every Girl Scout’s
development, building independence and leadership while making
life-long friends and memories.
~ S ~
Safety Activity Checkpoint
Safety guidelines that
provide valuable information and tips for planning specific
activities. If an activity is not found in the Safety Activity Checkpoints, the
general guidelines in the Safety-Wise chapter of the Volunteer Essentials should be
checked to ensure that the activity is allowed and does not require
approval from the GSNorCal Risk Management team.
Safety Award
For all grade levels, Safety Awards are
earned by following a five-step process for being safe, tailored for
each grade level. More information can be found in The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.
This is an online training course, designed
to keep girls safe and be prepared by following safety guidelines and
procedures. It also signifies following the safety guidelines
contained in the Safety-Wise chapter of the Volunteer Essentials and the Safety Activity Checkpoints.
A level in Girl Scouting. Senior
Girl Scouts are in grades 9 and 10.
Sensitive Issues
Topics highly personal in nature
or rooted in beliefs and values, e.g., child abuse, human sexuality,
and religion, etc. If these issues are going to be discussed in a
troop meeting, troop leaders are advised to have parents/guardians
fill out a special
Sensitive Issues Permission Form
that can be found on the council website.
Service to Girl Scouting Bars
For Cadette, Senior, and
Ambassador Girl Scouts who volunteer at least 20 hours for the Girl
Scouts. Some volunteer ideas include volunteering to help with a
special event for younger girls, be an office assistance for GSNorCal
or service unit, or help with special projects.
Service Unit (SU)
A geographic subgroup within the
council that includes area Girl Scout troops, girls, and their
leaders. Troop Leaders within each service unit are encouraged to
attend regularly scheduled service unit meetings where they obtain
information and support and help plan service unit activities for area
Girl Scout troops.
Service Unit Delegates
Serve as the primary communication
link between our girl and adult members and Northern California’s
Board of Directors, provide input to the Board on our Council’s
strategy, and elect the Council Board of Directors. Adult and girl
members age 14+ are eligible to nominate themselves for Service Unit
Delegate positions.
Service Unit Finance Report
Online form prepared and submitted
by Service Unit Treasurers to record their service unit’s annual
income and expenses. The report is due to council by September 30
each year.
Service Unit Team
A group of adult volunteers that
facilitates service to girls through its volunteers in a service unit.
Silver Award
The highest award a Girl Scout Cadette
(grades 6-8) can earn.
A lightweight pad or mat used when sitting on
the floor or ground. This is a popular craft activity for Daisy and
Brownie Girl Scout.
An acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics. Sometimes called
“STEAM”—the “A” stands for Arts.
GSNorCal offers STEM programming that supports girls in exploring new
opportunities in these fields.
SWAPS (Special Whatcha-ma-call-its Affectionately Pinned
Small tokens of friendships made by Girl
Scouts to exchange with Girl Scouts they meet while traveling or while
attending Girl Scout events.
~ T ~
Thanks Badge
This is a national award for adults that
recognizes outstanding service that benefits the entire council or
Girl Scout Movement.
Thanks Badge II
This is a national award that
recognizes outstanding service council-wide or beyond for adults
having already received the Thanks Badge.
Torch Award
Award for Cadettes, Seniors, and
Ambassadors who are leaders in their community. Girls must complete
one Leadership Journey and serve a full term in a leadership
position at her school, place of worship, library, community center,
or other organization that is important to her.
The Girl Scout culture comprised
of our shared history, stories, traditions, uniforms, songs,
language, values, and experiences. We express who we are as Girls
Scouts through our traditions.
(The) Trailhead
GSNorCal’s troop volunteer support
blog that are archived on the council website.
Trip or High Adventure Approval
Online form submitted to GSNorCal
that requests approval for a troop activity that involves a trip
further than 60 miles from the troop’s regular meeting place and
longer than 6 hours in duration, overnight trips not hosted by a
service unit, trips for 3 nights or more, and/or any event or trip
of any length that includes a high-adventure as outlined in the
Volunteer Essentials
Safety-Wise chapter.
Group of 8-10 girls or more, led
by volunteers (often parents, friends, or family members). Troops
allow girls to work as a team to enjoy their Girl Scout experience
while building friendships to last a lifetime.
Troop Cookie or Fall Product Program
This volunteer helps the troop set
up booth locations, manage inventory, and money.
Troop CrestA Girl Scout tradition—a Girl Scout patch worn on the front of the Girl Scout uniform designed to help troop leaders identify girls belonging to different troops while attending activities where multiple troops are present.
Troop Finance Report (TFR)
A financial report prepared
by the troop leader or troop treasurer and submitted to council. The
TFR, due in May every year, accounts for incomes and expenses
associated with the troop for the previous year. The TFR is prepared
via the Volunteer Toolkit (VTK).
Troop Government
A governmental system that
encourages girls to take a leadership role in how their troop is
governed and how troop decisions are made.
Troop Helper
Assist the
troop leader as a team to coordinate troop activities, e.g., field
trips or driving, chaperoning cookie booths, participating in outdoor
adventures, planning meeting activities, etc. Troop Helpers who
volunteer with girls must be registered and undergo a background check.
Troop Leader
A registered and background checked adult
who has gone through troop leader training. This individual
coordinates and organizes meeting activities, communicates with girls,
parents/guardians and families, and engages girls in their Girl Scout journey.
Troop Leadership Volunteer
Adult members in charge of
facilitating troop operations and management tasks.
Troop Support Volunteer
Adult members who support the
troop leadership volunteers and girls.
Troop Treasurer
This registered and background
checked adult manages troop funds and the troop’s bank account. This
trustworthy and reliable volunteer works with the girls and troop
leader to develop the troop budget, makes sure dues and payments are
collected at meetings, manages the troop bank account, and shares
the troop balance with girls and parents/guardians.
Three Processes
See Girl Scout Leadership
Experience (GSLE).
An umbrella term that describes
people whose gender identity or expression does not match the sex
they were assigned at birth.
Troop Camp
Troop camping is a great way for
troops to start on the path of outdoor adventuring together.
GSNorCal staff provide expertise to support fun camp activities that
participating girls and adults sign up to participate in.
Troop Government
The various ways a troop ensures
that girls lead the planning and decision-making for their Girl
Scout experiences.
Troop/Group Money-Earning
An activity planned and carried
out by girls to earn money for troop/group expenses.
Troop Support Manager
A service unit volunteer
responsible for developing membership growth by recruiting girls and
adults and assisting them in forming new troops/groups.
~ U ~
A small troop formed at a day camp or resident
camp. Girl Scouts assigns campers to a unit based on age or interest.
Also refers to a portion of a campsite designated as the living and
working area for a group of campers.
~ V ~
Volunteer Development Manager (VDM)
VDMS are members of
council staff who work with troops, service unit teams, and LSMs.
Their focus is to support troop leaders and service unit leadership.
Volunteer Essentials
This online guide contains policy,
procedures, and guidelines for the members of Girl Scouts of
Northern California (GSNorCal). This Glossary is a part of the
Volunteer Essentials
Volunteer Learning Portal (VLP)
GSNorCal’s online
learning platform for troop leaders, troop support volunteers, service
unit volunteers and GSNorCal staff to access the online learning for
their role.
Volunteer Policy
Updated and approved by the
GSNorCal Board of Directors annually. The Volunteer Policy shares
information and expectations regarding training and learning
opportunities for volunteers, Girl Scout community values, taking
charge of physical and emotional safety, holding ourselves
accountable, and so much more.
Volunteer Toolkit (VTK)
Comprehensive digital tool
accessible via the web on hone computers, smartphones, and tablets.
Provides troop leaders, service unit volunteers, parents/guardians
and Juliettes/individually registered members with access to Girl
Scout programming, badge and award requirements, meeting plans,
resources, and more.
Volunteer-In-Training (VIT)
Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts
earn this award by mentoring younger Girl Scouts outside of the camp
experience. Girls’ VIT project should span a three-to-six-month
period. More information can be found in
The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.
Volunteer Run Camp
a weeklong or twilight program organized by volunteers or council
staff to serve current registered girls and/or girls who are
interested in joining Girl Scouts.
Volunteer View
Monthly newsletter emailed to all
registered troop and service unit volunteers of the first day of each
month. Volunteers can sign up to receive it on the GSNorCal website.
~ W ~
Welcome Troop
Starter troops that serve a specific
community. New members form a troop in their community during a
series of six introductory meetings for parents/guardians and girls.
The Welcome Troop is a great way to get started with Girl Scouts.
A themed event with a number of
stations. Groups rotate between the stations, completing activities
at each one.
World Association of Girl Guides and
Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)
An association of Girl Scout and
Girl Guide national organizations around the world. GSUSA is one of
146 members. The mission is to inspire girls and young women to
reach their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world.
World Centers
Five program centers owned by the
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). The
centers are located in Africa, India, Mexico, Switzerland, and the
United Kingdom. Girl Scouts from around the world are welcome to
visit the world centers and many GSNorCal Girl Scouts visit the
world centers every year.
World Thinking Day
World Thinking Day, also called
Thinking Day, is celebrated by Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around
the world on February 22. At World Thinking Day events, girls
participate in activities that help them learn about the lives of
their sisters around the world.