Select a meeting space and time that accompanies your troop families, such as a school cafeteria, library, church meeting room, or even a local coffee shop. Be sure to contact the location prior and request permission. Ideally, this should be the meeting space where you plan to meet as a troop to get the girls and family comfortable with the location.
New to forming a troop? Start here!
Hosting Family Meetings
Family meetings are generally held three times a year and provide a chance to meet the families, set expectations, build support, and recruit troop member-volunteers.
Our Membership Development staff can help you with coordinating your first parent information night, but if you'd like to plan your own, this how-to will help you set the tone for the year and guide families with gusto!
Visit the Volunteer Learning Portal at for our full suite of trainings for troop leaders!
Meeting One: Kick Off the Year
The following steps are essential to planning the first family meeting.
Select a Meeting Space
Invite Families
Plan a Girl Activity
What to Do at the Meeting
Think of this first meeting as a crash course for the families of your troop! Discuss any exciting things you’re planning for the troop and outline all the things they can do to help you succeed in your role as a troop leader.
Use the following sample agenda to cover all your bases:
Open the Meeting
Housekeeping Items and Year Outline
Set Expectations Around Communication
Discuss Troop Costs
Encourage Parents to Volunteer With Your Troop
Meeting Two: Cookie Program
Here are some tips for planning your cookie-related family meeting (generally held in December) that’ll serve as a kick-off to the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
Prepare for the Meeting
Cookie family business meetings are critical to the success of the program! They help provide a foundation of understanding and agreement for volunteers and families. To prepare for your meeting, select a meeting space, invite families, and plan a girl activity—just like in the first family meeting of the year.
Review our Cookie Program materials and resources.
Explain the Program
As the largest entrepreneurial program for girls in the world, the Girl Scout Cookie Program (January–March) gives girls the opportunity to power new, unique, and amazing experiences, while also learning critical life skills. Girls earn proceeds for their troop through the Cookie Program, which fuels amazing adventures.
Additionally, proceeds from the Cookie Program stay local, help keep costs low for girl programs like subsidizing camp costs, and give Girl Scouts of Northern California the opportunity to support families through financial assistance for girl programs.
You can point families to to learn more about the Cookie Program and the resources available to them.
Set Family Expectations
Discuss girl goals, share best methods for staying in contact (i.e. text, phone, email), and agree on roles and responsibilities. More family involvement means better troop success! Discuss opportunities that parents/ guardian(s) have during the cookie program. They can help pick up the initial order, supervise the girls at cookie booths, etc.
Got questions?
We've got your back. Just email or call 800-447-4475, ext. 2093.