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New to forming a troop? Start here!

Meeting Ideas

Want to know what you should be doing with your troop from month to month? Just need an idea for a simple craft or activity? Check out our collection of helpful and fun resources to make your Girl Scout year amazing.

To have a well-rounded Girl Scout experience, we encourage all troops to:

Use the Girl Scout Planner to help your Girl Scouts plan an amazing troop year!

July and August
Summer Camp

Camp season is in full swing! If your girls aren't off at one of our many council- or volunteer-run summer camps, check out our Camp #LikeAGirlScout Pinterest board for fun troop camping activities, crafts, campfire recipes and songs.

Back to Troop

It's time to start planning out your next Girl Scout year! 

Notable Dates and Celebrations: 
  • Independence Day - July 4
  • Friendship Week - Third Week of August
  • Friendship Day - First Sunday in August
  • National S'mores Day - Aug. 10
  • Women's Equality Day - Aug. 26
Investiture Ceremonies

An Investiture Ceremony welcomes new members, girls or adults, into the Girl Scout family for the first time. Girls receive their Girl Scout, Girl Scout Brownie, or Girl Scout Daisy pin at this time. Your ceremony can be casual or more formal. Consider including a flag ceremony and/or a candle light ceremony.

Keep reading: How to Plan an Investiture Ceremony

Start your Journey! 

Journeys give structure and purpose to the Girl Scout experience, with girls setting goals and planning activities related to the Journey theme. If you haven't already, now is the time to explore and choose a Journey. Learn more about Journeys and how they work

Notable Dates and Celebrations: 
  • Hispanic Heritage Month - September
  • Labor Day - First Monday in September
  • Grandparents Day - First Sunday after Labor Day
Happy Birthday, Juliette Low!

Celebrate Juliette Gordon Low's Birthday, also known as Founder's Day, on October 31. Celebrate her life and legacy through activities that keep her spirit alive!

Keep reading:  Ways to Celebrate Juliette Low's Birthday

Fall Product Program

Have your troop participate in our Fall Product Program to start earning funds for your troop. You can sell as little or as much as you'd like, in person or online!

Keep reading:  Tips for a Successful Fall Sale

Notable Dates and Celebrations: 
  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month - October
  • Fire Prevention Week - Second week in October
  • Make a Difference Day - October 25
  • Juliette Gordon Low's Birthday/Girl Scout Founder's Day - October 31
  • Halloween - October 31
November and December
Give Thanks, Give Back

The holidays are the perfect time to show girls how important it is to give back to their communities. Here are a few ideas for how girls of all ages can contribute to helping others. Let the girls choose something that will be interesting to them and make them feel like they have made a difference.

  • Go to a nursing home and sing for the residents.
  • Organize a clean-up day at a local park, playground, or school.
  • Sew or knit hats for the homeless.
  • Organize a canned food drive or a pet supply drive.
  • Work with an organization serving people with disabilities.
  • Help out at a veterinary clinic, animal shelter or SPCA.
Notable Dates and Celebrations: 

Write-a-Friend Month - November
Native American Heritage Month - November
Veterans Day - Nov. 11
World Kindness Day - Nov. 12
Take a Hike Day - Nov. 17
Thanksgiving Day - Last Thursday of November
National Brownie Day - Dec. 8

It's Girl Scout Cookie time! 
Notable Dates and Celebrations: 
  • Martin Luther King Day - 3rd Monday of January
World Thinking Day

On World Thinking Day, Feb. 22, Girl Scouts participate in activities and projects with global themes to honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in other countries. Thinking Day not only gives girls a chance to celebrate international friendships, but also unites them to focus on one issue, or theme, to make the world a better place.

Notable Dates and Celebrations: 
  • Black History Month - February
  • Groundhog Day - Feb. 2
  • Valentine's Day - Feb. 14
  • President's Day - Third Monday of February
Girl Scout Week and Birthday

Girl Scout Birthday, March 12, commemorates the day in 1912 when Juliette Gordon Low officially registered the organization's first 18 girl members in Savannah, GA. Girl Scout Week is celebrated each March, starting with Girl Scout Sunday and ending with Girl Scout Sabbath on a Saturday, and it always includes the Girl Scout Birthday.

Notable Dates and Celebrations: 
  • Women's History Month - March
  • International Women's Day - March 8
  • St. Patrick's Day - March 17
Girl Scout Leader's Day

Girl Scout Leader's Day, April 22, honors all the volunteers who work as leaders and mentors in partnership with girls. It also happens to coincide with National Volunteer Week, celebrated in mid- to late-April. Girls, their families, and communities should find a special way to thank their adult Girl Scout volunteers. Find fun thank you gift ideas for your Girl Scout Co-Leader or special volunteers in your life on Pinterest.

Keep reading:

Earth Day

Celebrate Earth Day on April 22 by doing a green project in your school or community.

Keep reading:

Notable Dates and Celebrations: 
  • Keep America Beautiful Month - April
  • April Fool's Day - April 1
  • World Health Day - April 7
  • National Siblings Day - April 10
  • Holocaust Remembrance Day - April 16
May and June
Bridging Ceremonies 

Just like camp, cookies, and community service, bridging is a longstanding tradition and an important part of the Girl Scout experience. Bridging is when girls are recognized for their achievements and look ahead to all the amazing new adventures that await at the next level of Girl Scouting.

Mother's Day and Father's Day 

Show our Girl Scout moms and dads how awesome they are! Check out Pinterest for plenty of special DIY gift ideas they'll love. 

Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, and Flag Day

Give girls a sense of pride! A flag ceremony is the perfect way to honor our national service holidays. Learn more about flag ceremonies and how to handle the American flag.

And be sure to check if your community is having a Memorial Day service or parade in which your troop can take part!

Notable Dates and Celebrations: 
  • National Teacher Day - May 5
  • Mother's Day - Second Sunday in May
  • Armed Forces Day - May 16
  • Memorial Day - Last Monday in May
  • Flag Day - June 14
  • Father's Day - Second Sunday in June
Looking for additional instruction?

Visit the Volunteer Learning Portal at for our full suite of trainings for troop leaders!