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What Daisies Do

Don’t we all wish we could look at the world through a Girl Scout Daisy’s eyes? Everything they do—from planting a garden to putting on a skit to proudly adding that first petal to their vest—sparkles with that "first time ever" newness! Along the way, they’ll use their Daisy exuberance to help others—and they’ll never forget how that feels. Every Daisy meeting is an adventure filled with giggles, energy, and excitement.

As a Daisy, she might:


Gain new friends as part of a troop


Earn petals (the special Daisy version of badges earned by older Girl Scouts) as she embraces the Girl Scout Promise and Law


Make a difference in her community through a Leadership Journey


Sell cookies (and have fun doing it)


Explore nature and the outdoors







Hey Girl Scout! Refer a friend to a troop and receive a fun Make New Friends unicorn patch! 

A new girl and her friend who recruited her will both receive a patch if the new girl registers between December 15, 2022 and February 15, 2023! The patch will be mailed to girls directly. Girls do not need to be in the same troop. Girls who attend unicorn parties in January and February can also receive this patch if they register at those events.

Complete the form here: