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Cookie Sale FAQs

Cookie Updates
What happens now that the Raspberry Rally is sold out?

Unfortunately, only a limited number of Raspberry Rally cookies were allocated to each council. Each family was limited to one case of Raspberry Rally cookies. On February 27th at 11:15 AM Raspberry Rally was officially SOLD OUT.

As Raspberry Rally is only available online there will be no additional cookies available to council.

As a reminder, the Raspberry Rally CANNOT be sold at booth sales. Therefore, any troop selling this flavor at a booth sale will become ineligible for inclusion in the Top Ten Cookie sellers or at the 500plus event. This exclusion will apply even if troop members would otherwise qualify based on cookie boxes sold minus the Raspberry Rally.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We appreciate your support and for recognizing that behind every cookie box is a Girl Scout learning, growing and unlocking a world of possibilities.

What do I say to a disappointed customer?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I will let our leader and local council know your feedback. See the full Q&A sheet for girls here. 

Why are Samoas and Toffee-tastic not available on Digital Cookie for direct shipment?

LBB informed us they are experiencing production and supply chain challenges and are subsequently unable to meet demand for these two cookie varieties. The limited inventory is being used to fulfill council in-person orders for girl delivery to customers, (e.g., friends, family, neighbors, and at booth sales).

Why is my council sold out of Samoas and Toffee-tastic online, but I see another council selling them?

Nearly all LBB councils will have Samoas unavailable for shipment. However, each council’s cookie program is unique, based on the needs of its members. Some councils’ sales are more than 50% facilitated as online shipped to consumer. As the majority of these councils’ sales are conducted online, these councils opted to allocate their available inventory to sell on Digital Cookie (instead of in-person).

How long will Samoas and Toffee-tastic be unavailable for direct shipment on Digital Cookie?

For the majority of councils, Samoas and Toffee-tastic will remain unavailable for online shipment for the duration of the 2023 cookie season. LBB will update councils if anything changes with this plan.

What is the new Raspberry Rally Cookie?

The Raspberry Rally is a thin, crispy cookie infused with raspberry flavor and dipped in chocolaty coating. They may look like Thin Mints’ sister, but these cookies have a delicious taste that’s all their own. Click here to view the Raspberry Rally FAQ for Troops.

Why was digital direct ship shut off?

Little Brownie Bakers (LBB) has notified us that they experienced severe weather this past weekend, resulting in power outages at their factory and exacerbating their ongoing inventory challenges. LBB currently has enough inventory to continue offering only three cookie varieties for direct ship on Digital Cookie: Thin Mints, Adventurefuls, and S’mores. As a result, our council will only be able to leave direct ship on for these three varieties for the remainder of the season.

Currently, our Council cupboards are fully stocked with all cookie varieties (Raspberry Rally excluded) in order to support successful booth sales and individual customer orders for the remainder of the cookie season. Again, we cannot thank you enough for your dedication to Girl Scouts and your continued commitment to our girls.

We understand these baker updates are extremely frustrating and want to extend our sincerest apologies on behalf of LBB. We truly appreciate all the hard work of our girls and volunteers and recognize this cookie season has already been exceptionally challenging.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to 

What are the differences between Tagalongs and Peanut Butter Patties?

 Check the nutritional information for Tagalongs and Peanut Butter Patties for more information.

The weight of the two packages and product count (15 cookies) are the same.

Why did it take so long to get my cookies/find out there was a delay?

 Unfortunately, our baker who produces Tagalongs is currently experiencing supply challenges, and we are currently out of stock. We moved as swiftly as possible to source our alternate Peanut Butter Patties cookie to fulfill your order.

Will Tagalongs be available later?

 Tagalongs will not be available for shipment for the duration of the 2023 cookie season.

Cookie Sale Basics
How much do Girl Scout cookies cost?

Girl Scout Cookies sold by the Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore cost between $5.00 & $6.00 per box.

Who should checks be made out to?

The best thing to do is ask for checks to be made out to “GSJS” as it covers all. This way the checks can be deposited into a troop account.

How does the Girl Scout cookie sale benefit my daughter?

When you buy Girl Scout Cookies, you power amazing adventures and life-changing opportunities for girls. The more cookies you buy, the more you help every G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ build entrepreneurial skills and take the lead, both now and in the future. It's about the experience of running her very own cookie business, working with others—and building a lifetime of confidence as she learns the five skills (goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics) essential to leadership, success, and life.

What do girls receive by participating in the Girl Scout cookie sale?

By selling cookies, girls establish individual goals that entitle them to incentives as well as the ability to contribute to troop proceeds. Teen girls also have the opportunity to forgo incentives and apply their cookie earnings to specific goals they set for themselves.

How can the Girl Scout cookie sale reduce the cost of my daughter’s Girl Scout activities?

Your daughter’s troop receives money for every box of cookies she sells. The troop can use this money to fund activities. 

How do product sales affect the Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore?

Half of the council’s income every year comes directly from product sales. This money is used to reduce the cost of programs for girls; train more than 5,000 adult volunteers; provide financial aid and camperships; expand current opportunities for girls, and create new girl opportunities.

How much of the council’s total income benefits girls?

Every year, the council’s finances are evaluated by an independent auditor. Every year, approximately 87 cents of every dollar earned is used to support girl opportunities, including camp, programs, after-school activities, leader training, facility improvements and financial assistance.

How much do troops earn?

Troop Earning Items Sold (Per Registered Girl Average)

$0.70 per box 1-149 boxes sold
$0.75 per box 150-199 boxes sold
$0.80 per box 200-249 boxes sold
$0.85 per box 250+ boxes sold

Your troop can use this money to pay for troop activities – anything from programs to trips. 

Boost Troop Earnings
What is a booth sale?

A booth sale is a public sale that a troop hosts in front of a buisness.

All booth sales must be prearranged between the troop leader and the business location in advance. 

How do I schedule a booth sale?

All Girl Scout troops planning to conduct one or more booth sales must enter the sale information in eBudde. Once the council verifies there are no conflicts the sale will be approved. 

Booth Approval Form

How do I order cookies for a booth sale?

Booth sale cookies can be ordered with your initial order and/or through one of the council’s cookie depots. Log into eBudde to place a pending order.

How many cookies should I order for my booth sale?

Listed below are suggestions from the bakery for the number of case needed for your booth sales. Please keep in mind the following things to also assist in determining what you will need. Remember, these are only suggestions.

Location of sale - high traffic?
Number of hours
Weather conditions

  • Three-hour sale
    • Two cases of Thin Mints, Tagalongs and Samoas
    • One case each of Do-Si-Dos & Trefoils. 
  • Six-hour sale
    • Five cases of Thin Mints
    • Four cases of Tagalongs & Samoas 
    • Two cases of Do-Si-Dos & Trefoils
  • Nine-hour sale
    • Eight cases of Thin Mints
    • Four cases of Tagalongs & Samoas
    • Two cases of the rest

Note that the above list only includes the five main varieties. When choosing, you may want to add in smaller amounts of the other varieties. 

How many cases of cookies will fit in my car?

The answer to this question depends on the size of your car. You can fit a lot more in a Humvee compared to a Smart Car. In general, follow these guidelines.

Vehicle Type






Mid-sized Sedan




Station Wagon


Mini-Van (Seats in)


Pickup Truck


Cargo Van (Seats in)


Where do I pick up the cookies?

Troops picking up cases or boxes of cookies must schedule a pick-up date and time with the council through eBudde. Depots will be open from Wednesday, March 1 - Thursday, April 6.

Cookie cubbard locations:

  • Camp Sacajawea Infirmary, Farmingdale 
  • Ocean Service Center, Toms River
What do I do with any cookies that are remaining after my booth sale?

Booth Sale Alternatives

Cookie Drive-Thrus
Troops work with local business to secure a safe location.  This gives customers a convenient way to get their cookies by offering a “drive-thru” service.  Troops can share locations with their community.  Drive thrus require the council’s booth approval.

Lemonade Stands
What is a Lemonade Stand? Lemonade Stands work like booth sales but are held on personal property. Families must work with their troop cookie manager to get inventory and should turn in money to their troop right away, following regular troop procedures for money collection.  These do not require approval from GSJS.

Community Walkabouts and Wagon Sales (mobile cookie booths)
Grab that cart or wagon and cart cookies around the neighborhood.  Get the word out by leaving flyers or door hangers informing everyone how and when girls are planning on selling.

Digital Cookie
What is Digital Cookie?

Digital Cookie is a way for Girl Scouts to add an online option to their Girl Scout Cookie Program experiences. Digital Cookie is managed and coordinated by GSUSA with the majority of its 112 councils participating. 

What is the purpose of Digital Cookie?

Digital Cookie is an enhancement of the Girl Scout Cookie Program, coupling traditional sales activities with online sales experiences that teach girls online marketing and ecommerce––all in a digital space that puts an emphasis on learning, fun, and safety. Future versions of Digital Cookie will expand the online program as an educational tool for girls and as an outlet for customers. 

Is Digital Cookie a replacement for traditional Girl Scout Cookie activities?

No, it is not. Digital Cookie is a tool available to Girl Scouts but it does not replace the traditional method of selling and buying Girl Scout cookies. We STRONGLY encourage all Girl Scouts to conduct the product sale as they always have and view Digital Cookie as an enhancement to reach customers who were previously out-of-reach. We believe the traditional method of cookie sales enhanced with Digital Cookie is the best way to find success. 

How can I order cookies online?

Cookies can only be ordered through a girl and only when girls are actively selling Girl Scout Cookies. Ask a Girl Scout you know if she’s participating. If you need to be put in contact with a Girl Scout to order online, send an email to The council will forward your request to a Girl Scout who is participating in the Digital Cookie program. 

Will I be able to order all Girl Scout cookie varieties through Digital Cookie?

You will be able to order all Girl Scout Cookie varieties that are manufactured through Little Brownie Bakers.

How are Digital Cookie orders delivered?

Digital cookie orders can be delivered to customers by mail or a girl can deliver them. 

Are there extra expenses for Digital Cookie?

Customers who choose girl delivery will prepay online with a credit card; because the Girl Scout will deliver the Girl Scout Cookies herself, no shipping or handling fees apply. If you choose to have your order shipped to you, the Girl Scout will receive credit for the order and you will be charged a shipping and handling fee. This fee has been established by GSUSA. Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore has no ability to adjust or change these.

What happens when cookies are sold out online?

The full line-up of cookies, excluding the online-only Raspberry Rally cookie, will be available at local booth sales from March 3 - April 9, visit to find a booth near you.

Palm Oil

Why does Girl Scouts use palm oil in their cookies?

Palm oil is an ingredient found in the majority of baked snacks sold in the United States. GSUSA's licensed bakers tell us it continues to be necessary to use palm oil in Girl Scout Cookies to ensure their shelf life, to bring you the highest quality products, and to serve as an alternative to trans fats. While GSUSA continues to explore other alternatives, at this time, there are no viable or readily available alternatives on the market.

Why can't GSUSA's licensed bakers use something different?

The world's food supply is intricately tied to the use of palm oil, so the licensed bakers believe promoting proper manufacturing principles is the most responsible approach to how Girl Scouts and Girl Scout Cookie development is advanced. While the bakers continue to explore other alternatives, at this time, there are no viable or readily available alternatives on the market.

What corrective actions is GSUSA taking to prevent child labor?

To be very clear, child labor has no place in the production of Girl Scout Cookies. If certain suppliers are not following best practices, we expect our bakers and the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), of which GSUSA is an affiliate member, to take action quickly to rectify those exceptions.

Why should I buy Girl Scout Cookies?

When you buy Girl Scout Cookies, you support Girl Scouts and you power amazing experiences and life-changing opportunities for girls year-round—from awesome trips to community projects to outdoor adventures. Through your support, you help Girl Scouts build essential skills as they begin to think like entrepreneurs and learn to take the lead, both now and in the future. Girls gain these skills from working with others, setting goals, and connecting with customers. It's about the experience a girl has running her very own cookie business, gaining five essential skills (goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics) as she learns to think like an entrepreneur. Because proceeds from your purchase stay local, you also help create positive change in your community.