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When you volunteer to support the Girl Scout Cookie Sale program you're assisting girls as they gain valuable skills that will help them succeed. The Girl Scout Cookie program is a fun way for girls of all ages to earn money to achieve their goals, and it's a powerful, hands-on leadership and entrepreneurial program.

Top five reasons you should absolutely participate in the Cookie Program:


Life Skills: The Cookie program helps girls and you develop leadership skills for life, including goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics.


It’s EASY to participate: Your Troop Cookie Manager can access the eBuddie Help Center, and resources for girls to track and manage their businesses.


Financial benefits: Your troop will earn money to help offset the cost of activities, outings, program supplies and so much more! And in the process, girls gain skills to be financially independent.


Girls can earn fabulous rewards: Rewards help girls set goals, to reach high levels of achievement.


Your girls will THANK YOU: Many successful business women say they got their start selling Girl Scout Cookies.

Thanks to caring volunteers, LIKE YOU, girls who participate in the Cookie program gain courage, confidence and character to pursue their dreams!

For inspiring videos, resources, activities, clip art and more, go to