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Community Support


Become a community volunteer for Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas. 

Interested in becoming a Community volunteer or would like more information on a specific Community Team position? Contact Volunteer Support at or

Important Note: Your Community assignment is based on your Troop’s meeting location Zip Code. See which Community you belong to.

Community Volunteer Roles

Community Chair

Community Chairs keep the community team in the loop and get everyone connected as the lead volunteer in the community. They work to engage new and existing troop leaders and other volunteers, recruit new girls and adults, successfully meet goals that in turn support the overall efforts of Girl Scouts and provide for a rich, memorable and important Girl Scout experience for girls and adults within the community. Community Chairs must accept the Girl Scout Promise and Law.

Community Activity Coordinator

Community Activity Coordinators plan and implement events at the area/community level that provide high quality experiences for girls and are aligned to the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE.) Community Activity Coordinators must accept the Girl Scout Promise and Law.

Community Cookie Manager

Community Cookie Managers support and assist troops assigned in the community through the annual cookie program and activities. Community Cookie Managers must accept the Girl Scout Promise and Law.

Community Leader Mentor

Community Leader Mentors reach out to new leaders, set up a mentoring strategy, and connect them to the community team. They are the expert to help leaders locate the answer to program questions regarding the Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting and the Journey program, as well as travel, safety and things to do. Community Leader Mentors must accept the Girl Scout Promise and Law.

Community Membership Recruitment Coordinator

Community Membership Recruitment Coordinator plan and carry out back to school and recruitment events for adults and girls. They organize new members into troops securing troop leadership or place girls into existing troops or pathways.  Community Membership Recruitment Coordinator must accept the Girl Scout Promise and Law.

Community Money Manager & Co-Signer

Community Money Managers manage the community funds and guide leaders in proper financial management of troop funds. Community Money Managers and Co-Signers must accept the Girl Scout Promise and Law.

Community Nut Manager

Community Nut Managers support and assist troops assigned in the community through the annual fall product program and activities. Community Nut Managers must accept the Girl Scout Promise and Law.

Community Outdoor Coordinator

Community Outdoor Coordinators establish, plan, and implement volunteer-led outdoor experiences for girls that are aligned to the Girl Scouts Leadership Experience (GSLE) such as day camps, camporees, encampments or other council or community camps. Community Outdoor Coordinators must accept the Girl Scout Promise and Law.

Community Recognition & Learning Coordinator

Community Recognition & Learning Coordinators help recognize community and troop volunteers. They will promote and encourage local & Council-wide learning opportunities. Community Recognition & Learning Coordinators must accept the Girl Scout Promise and Law.