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Your Year of Opportunity

Join Girl Scouts

Be a part of a crew that makes unforgettable memories together – join a local Girl Scout community today! 

Need help joining? Follow our Girl Scout registration instructions
Already a member? Log in to renew.

I need help finding a Girl Scout troop.

After you've narrowed your search by your local zip code, you can search directly for a specific troop by number. (e.g. Troop 84xxx)!

If the troop number you are looking for does not appear, scroll to the bottom of the list of available troops and click "Apply to Participate without a Troop." We will reach out to confirm your youth's participation after they are registered before placing them into a troop. 

Why do I need to create a Girl Scout user account?

As a new Girl Scout family, you will be asked to create an online account before purchasing your membership(s). You will use this account to manage your household information, memberships, and events. As part of this process, you will be prompted to enter membership details for an adult AND a youth. The adult information is required even if you are not registering as a volunteer. 

I already have an account but want to add a new member.

When logged into your account, open "My Household" found on the left of the screen (select My Account found near the top of the screen if you do not see "Welcome" and your name on your screen). Scroll to the bottom of the screen to select "Register a new household member." Then complete registeration steps for that member. 

Get Involved

Think back to when you were a kid. Remember that one grownup who always brought the fun? The one who cared about what you had to say, and was always down to make your dreams come true? They showed up not just because it was the right thing to do, but also because you made their life a little more magical.

You don’t need to be a caregiver to step into those shoes – you just have to be there. As part of a troop’s leadership team, you will organize regular troop meetings, do fun activities, and connect with the local Girl Scout community. Checkout these 5 simple steps to starting a new troop

Volunteer with Girl Scouts and rediscover the wonder and possibilities of childhood. Your life will never be the same.

Need more information about starting a troop? Find it on our Starting a Troop webpage.

Learn about Girl Scouts in your neighborhood by attending a free informational event! Whether you want to register your child or become a volunteer (or both!), staff members and local volunteers will be on hand to answer questions and help you get started.

Don't see a date that works for you? Request more information and we will be in touch.
