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Volunteer Leadership Summit Set for August 26th

2023 VLS 0823

Volunteering really  is a Work of Heart, and we want to make sure that you start your 2023-2024 Girl Scout year off with all the tools, knowledge, and encouragement you need to make this coming year the best one yet for you, and your girls!

Make plans to join us for an exciting day brimming with inspiration for the year ahead! The day will be filled with opportunities for you to enhance your leadership skills, learn about your specific volunteer role, and network with fellow volunteers and members of your service unit team.

Saturday, August 26, 2023 at Collierville United Methodist Church from 10:00am until 2:45pm.  Check-in begins at 9:30am.

Participants will be able to choose various learning opportunities based upon their own and their troop's unique interests
(see breakout session topics below).

We will also take time to recognize our outstanding 2022-2023 volunteers at our 2023 Volunteer Recognition Luncheon! Come cheer for their success and get some great ideas about how you can get involved and elevate your Girl Scout experience this year! 

We know that without YOU - our amazing volunteers - there would be no Girl Scouts, and we strive to offer the best trainings and tools available to help you as you lead your girls each day. Thank you again for your service, and for your continued support for Girl Scouts and our mission to build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place - every day!

This is a FREE event for all registered GSHS Troop Leaders, Troop Treasurers, Troop Product Sales Coordinators and Service Team Members, however space is limited, and pre-registration is required. Sessions may fill fast so REGISTER TODAY!


  • New Badges  -  Presenting new badges that spark her imagination.
  • *Go Travel -  Learn the progressive steps to planning and executing travel with your troop, from local field trips to international adventures.
  • *Let’s Lead -  An overview of our multi-week volunteer leadership experience.
  • Silver Award Updates -  Cadette Leaders! Come learn about all the new changes, updates and resources for the Girl Scout Silver Award.
  • VTK Boot Camp -  An overview of the super-helpful Volunteer Toolkit! Try it…you’ll like it!
  • Multi-Level Troops -  Tips and tricks for making multi-level troops work!
  • Daisy Days -  Tips and tricks for being the best leader for your Daisies.
  • Brownie Bright -  Tips and tricks for being the best leader for your Brownies.
  • Jump Into Juniors -  Tips and tricks for being the best leader for your Juniors.
  • *Tweens and Teens -  Tips and tricks for being the best leader for Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors.
  • Girl Scout Traditions -  Learn about long-standing Girl Scout Traditions including best-loved songs, important ceremonies, and how to properly raise a flag.
  • Product 101 -  An overview of the Girl Scout Product Programs - both Fall Product and the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Find out how to get your troop involved!

*Topics noted with an asterisk will only be offered during the first two breakout session periods. Breakout Sessions #1 & #2 have a maximum capacity of 12 participants per topic. Breakout Session #3 has a maximum capacity of 15 participants per topic.