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Cookie Booths

One of the most exciting and fun aspects of the Girl Scout Cookie Program is when girls come together to create amazing, out-of-this-world cookie booths! By setting up fun and eye-catching tables at approved public locations, girls and troops can increase their sales, learn the 5 Skills, and have a blast together.

Ready to make this your best cookie booth ever?! Check out our Cookie Booth Reference Guide. Here’s what you need to know when setting up your Cookie Booth:

Participate in our Cookie Booth Lottery to help secure booths in approved locations and with heavy “foot traffic” to increase visibility and sales!

Weekend and evening booths are the most popular and tend to result in the highest sales.

Take an adequate supply (one to two cases) of “best sellers” including Thin Mints, Caramel deLites, Peanut Butter Patties and Lemonades.

Decorate booths using fun themes and posters to grab customer attention! Be sure to mention your troop goal, Buy 5, and Operation Cookie Drop to help educate customers.

Follow safety guidelines such as setting up booths away from street traffic and ensuring you always have two girls and two adults at every booth.


Have questions? We've got you covered. Email our Cookie Sale experts so that you feel prepared and confident entering this year's sale!

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