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Rewards and Recognitions

Did you know that the Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led business in the world? Way to go, Girl Scout!

And it’s more than what’s in the box…it’s also about developing important financial literacy skills all while having a blast with your friends.

From decorating out-of-this-world-amazing cookie booths to collecting donations for Operation Cookie Drop to meeting your goals and being rewarded for your hard work  – we can’t wait to see what you’ll achieve.

As a girl on a mission, we’re here to support you and recognize all your hard work. Our council has put together some pretty cool rewards and recognitions to inspire you to meet your goals and reach for the stars. Don’t forget, Goal Setting is one of the 5 Skills that sets girls up for financial success! Let’s get started!

Troop Proceeds

By setting goals for yourself or as a troop, not only do you help fill your troop banking account with your cookie proceeds, you also learn how to create a plan for success! Troop proceeds are on a tiered selling strcuture based on box per girl the more you sell, the more you earn! 

You’ve reached your goal -- Awesome! So now what? Here’s the fun part – deciding how to spend all that money! Once you’ve come to a group decision, don’t forget to drop us a line telling us how you used your cookie proceeds!

Superstar Destinations and Recognitions

Girls who participate in our Cookie Program are eligible for awesome recognitions based on the number of cookies sold. 

Additionally, since all Girl Scouts are Superstars, we created Superstar Destinations as a recognitions program for our cookie program to reward girls who sell 500+ boxes annually. Year after year we are amazed at the goals our girls set – and achieve – as well as their creativity, dedication, and perseverance.

As a Superstar, you can select awesome rewards like an Eno Daypack, Puro Wireless Headphones, a laptop computer, subscription boxes, admission tickets to places like King's Dominion, Jungle Rapids, and more! You can also opt-in for gift cards for your favorite retail shops such as Barnes & Noble and Build-A-Bear. Check out our full catalog here!

But options don’t stop there! You can also use your Superstar status to purchase council Cookie Dough, a council gift card supplied with funds to put towards enhancing your Girl Scout experience. 

Cookie Dough can be used for:

Going on amazing adventure at Girl Scout camp

Buying Girl Scout gear

Attending fun and exciting council-sponsored events.  

National and international GSUSA destination trips where girls travel to places like London, Costa Rica, Portugal and more! 


Claiming your Superstar Destination Prizes                                             

Girl Scouts that participated in the 2023 Girl Scout Cookie Program and qualify for Superstar Destinations will receive an email from our Product Sales team with their sales total and how many points they have earned.       

You can find a link to the survey here. The survey will be open from February 28 through March 31, 2023. 

Be sure to know your total number of cookie boxes sold (sent in the email from Product Sales).

Please allow 10-15 minutes to complete.

Please know your troop number and service unit.

If you are moving, please use the address you will be residing in in the month of May.


Top Sellers

Get ready to be rewarded when you are a Girl Scout Cookie Program Top Seller! The top three sellers in each county/area receive a one of a kind, custom patch in the size and likeness of a medal from the council.

Additionally, the top three overall sellers receive personalized trophies awarded them to by our CEO, Lisa Jones, at a special catered luncheon. These three sellers are also featured in the following year's Cookiegram! 

High Achievers Club

After you have sold your 5,000th box over the course of your cookie career, you join the ranks of the High Achievers Club. Members receive an engraved plaque and a personalized letter of recommendation from our very own CEO, Lisa Jones. We know it takes a lot of hard work to make it to the top, Girl Scout! You can do it, and know we are here cheering you on along the way! 

Have questions about rewards or recognitions? Contact our Cookie Sale staff who can’t wait to help get you started! 


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