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GSWW COVID-19 Guidelines

GSWW continues to regularly review these guidelines and uses guidance from the CDC and Washington state to inform our policies.


Volunteer & Participant Accountability

Volunteer & Participant Accountability
  • By participating in GSWW’s in-person activities, participants acknowledge that COVID-19 is a highly contagious virus, easily spread including through in-person contact. By choosing to participate in person, participants are choosing to accept the risk of contracting COVID-19. GSWW cannot guarantee that infection will not occur.
  • Should you see someone not adhering to the GSWW COVID-19 Member Safety Guidelines, please email to inform council staff about the policy violation.
  • All volunteer, youth members, and partners who do not adhere to our COVID-19 Member Safety Guidelines are subject to removal from the Girl Scout program.

COVID-19 Participant Prevention Screening

COVID-19 Participant Prevention Screening
  • All adults, volunteers, and program hosts are required to submit GSWW’s COVID Waiver for all in-person programming either on paper or digitally through gsLearn. Find instructions on how to access gsLearn on our website.
  • All youth, adult and host participants are required to complete a “Girl Scout Ready” health assessment with an adult/guardian approximately 30 minutes prior to program start time. Youth participants over the age of 14 may complete this assessment and attest to their own status of being Girl Scout Ready.
  • To support contact tracing efforts, program host(s) and/or troop leadership should keep a record of attendance for any in-person programming being offered. Keep the rosters on file for the duration of the membership year, or approximately three months if programming or event occurs in the August-September timeframe.
  • If anyone within your household has symptoms, or has known exposure to COVID-19, you should not attend in-person programming.
  • Attendance Roster example can be found here.

Safety, Cleaning, First Aid Protocol

Safety, Cleaning, First Aid Protocol
  • Face covering, social distancing and sanitation | COVID-19 | CDC
  • Vaccinated and Unvaccinated guidelines | COVID-19 | CDC
  • All in-person programming must have the following First Aid/PPE equipment on site:
    • First aid supplies should include the following COVID-19 prevention items: hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol), tissues, disposable facemasks, two disposable adult medical gowns, trash bags, disposable gloves, and cleaning disinfectant.
    • Disposable or no-contact thermometers may be added to supplies if available and not cost-prohibitive. However, parents/guardians should check temperatures during pre-program “Girl Scout Ready” assessment and only allow their child to join group activities when temperatures are normal.
  • For events requiring proof of a negative COVID test, a medically administered COVID test with written proof of negativity is preferred. A home test is acceptable with photographic proof of negativity.
  • GSWW's definition of fully vaccinated follows that of the CDC. Fully vaccinated means a person has received their primary series of COVID-19 vaccines. Up to date means a person has received all recommended COVID-19 vaccines, including any booster dose(s) when eligible.
Are You Girl Scout Ready?

This assessment should be administered approximately 30 minutes prior to the start of all in-person program activities for all participants. You will be asked by program leadership if you’ve completed your “Girl Scout Ready" assessment upon sign-in.

  • In the last 72 hours, have you/your Girl Scout experienced ANY of the following new symptoms that cannot be attributed to another health condition or specific activity such as physical exercise?
    •  Fever? Yes/No  
    • Cough? Yes/No  
    • Shortness of breath? Yes/No  
    • Fatigue? Yes/No  
    • Muscle Aches? Yes/No 
    • Sore Throat? Yes/No
    • Any other flu-like symptoms, such as gastrointestinal upset or headaches? Yes/No  
    • New loss of taste or smell? Yes/No  
    • A temperature over 100°F? Yes/No  
    • Have you had contact with any confirmed COVID-19 positive patients in the last 10 days?

If you answered yes to ANY of these questions, please follow CDC guidelines regarding quarantine and isolation.

Troop/Group Created Guidelines

Troops and groups are allowed to set safety guidelines that are stricter than those set GSWW Safety Guidelines. Common safety requirements that are approved include:

  • Requiring everyone (youth and adults) to be masked even when participating in outdoor activities.
  • Requiring all participants to show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test within 72 hours of the event.

If your troop or group wants to require additional guidelines outside of these common requirements, please reach out to Customer Care for final approval.


Food, Dining and Snacks

Food, Dining and Snacks

Transportation & Travel

Transportation & Travel
  • Domestic travel | COVID-19 | CDC
  • Participants may travel to other counties and must follow Washington State guidelines.
  • Domestic travel is permitted for vaccinated and non-vaccinated members. Proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 48 hours of departure is required. Participants are required to follow airline and state travel requirements and restrictions.
  • International travel is permitted only for vaccinated members. Proof of vaccination is required. Participants are required to follow testing requirements for the countries they are traveling to. 
  • Groups are permitted to carpool.
  • While in transit, ventilation is encouraged and riders should wash or sanitize hands immediately before boarding and after disembarking transportation.



COVID Symptoms & Quaratine Guidance


COVID-19 Exposure

COVID-19 Exposure
  • Exposure definition
  • If a volunteer, program host and/or participant has potentially been exposed to COVID-19, they are required to leave the program site immediately. Please note that Girl Scout and volunteer health information is private, strictly confidential, and should only be shared on a need-to-know basis.
  • All program participant’s guardians will be notified of potential exposure immediately.
  • Program updates, delays, and/or cancellation notices will be sent out within 48 hours of a COVID-19 exposure incident.
  • All possible COVID-19 exposure incidents should be reported to GSWW’s customer care team at 800-541-9852 or, or the after-hours emergency line (800) 303-9963 if applicable.
  • An incident report should be filled out by troop leadership or program host.

Identification and Isolation of Participants with COVID-19 Symptoms

Identification and Isolation of Participants with COVID-19 Symptoms

If a volunteer, program host and/or participant is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 they are required to leave the program site immediately. If unable to leave immediately, the following protocols should be followed:

  • Agreements should be made in advance with parents/guardians regarding how program hosts will manage symptomatic participants and possible exposure procedures. 
    • Symptomatic participants should be isolated in a designated isolation area that is removed from but within eyesight and ear shot of the program area to maintain required youth to adult ratio.
  • If the symptomatic participant is unable to leave of their own accord or a guardian cannot be reached, their emergency contact will be notified. They will remain in the isolation area until their transportation arrives. If unable to reach the emergency contact or arrange for transportation, emergency services (9-1-1) should be called.
  • It is required that the parent/guardian should make every accommodation to pick-up their child immediately if their child is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms. A program host or volunteer should stay with the symptomatic individual until parent/guardian has arrived and should always wear a face mask/covering. It is advised to stay six feet away unless the participant needs medical attention. If medical attention is required, the volunteer should wear gloves, face shield, and mask to provide care, and contact 9-1-1 if a participant is experiencing signs of distress or difficulty breathing.
  • Whenever possible the adult to youth ratio should be maintained. However, when navigating emergency health and safety situations, this ratio can be temporarily waived.
  • The symptomatic individual should wear a face mask/covering if able.
  • No one should enter the isolation area except for assigned program host/volunteer and parent/guardian.
  • Follow sanitation procedures to deep clean any areas that the symptomatic individual may have had contact with and notify all people who were in the area that a symptomatic individual had access to. See the CDC’s website for more on cleaning and disinfecting community facilities.
  • All parent/guardian(s) should be made aware of the isolation incident upon pick-up.
  • Program host or troop leadership should complete and submit an Incident Report Form to GSWW.
  • Program updates, delays and/or cancellation notices will be sent out within 48 hours of incident.

Reporting COVID-19 Positive Incidents

Reporting COVID-19 Positive Incidents

In the event of a COVID-19 positive test result, promptly contact a member of GSWW’s customer care team at 800-541-9852 or, or the after-hours emergency line (800) 303-9963 if applicable

  • An Incident Report should be filled out by troop leadership or program host. 
  • If the Girl Scout activity and the onset of symptoms/positive test occur more than 48 hours apart from each other Girl Scouts of Western Washington does not need to be notified.
  • Participants with confirmed COVID-19 can return to in-person programming when they meet the isolation requirements outlined by the CDC.
Third-Party Partner COVID-19 Reporting

Reporting and communicating a positive COVID-19 case should be managed by the program partner. In the event of a positive test result, the partner should contact and inform the GSWW Program Partner Manager at All GSWW Program Partners are required to comply with Washington State COVID-19 laws and regulations; this includes contact tracing in the event of an exposure or positive case confirmation.

COVID-19 Council Event/Workshop Cancellation and Refund Policy

If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or have encountered someone who has recently tested positive, we ask that you do not attend the in-person event. Please email a written request to for a refund.

Third-Party Partner Cancellation Due to Exposure or Positive Test
  • GSWW is not responsible for the reimbursement or refund policy of any third-party partner programming.
  • Each partner will establish and enforce a refund policy in the event of impacts of COVID-19 exposure or illness.

Camp Programs and Properties 

Outdoor Camp Programs (archery, swimming, boating, climbing, etc.)
  • Shared program equipment should be sanitized after each use when it does not cause damage to the equipment.
  • Participants will need to wash or sanitize hands before and after handling program equipment.
  • Participants attending drop off programming will be expected to check in with a staff member upon arrival and before parent/guardian departure.
    • Check-in will include verification that the participant has registered and paid, completed the health assessment, has a face covering and meets any additional requirements (e.g., closed toed shoes for archery).
Day and Twilight Camp Programs
  • GSWW volunteer-led day and twilight camps are required to follow Washington State Guidance for Day Camps and the guidelines set by the volunteer-led camp leadership in regard to face coverings and other requirements. 
  • GSWW will work with volunteer-led day camp leadership to identify a designated COVID-19 guideline expert who will receive specialized training to ensure Guidelines and best practices are followed.
  • All camps are required to have COVID Safety Plans. COVID Safety Plans must be reviewed and approved by GSWW staff and need to be publicly available for review by campers and their families and local health jurisdictions.

Overnight Trips & Travel

Travel Disclaimer

GSWW Travel Disclaimer: At any time, approvals for travel can be rescinded as COVID-19 restrictions are updated due to phase rollbacks, outbreaks and/or new COVID-19 state restrictions. Make sure that you research your destinations and work with vendors/locations that have flexible cancellation policies. GSWW will not be responsible or held liable for travel refunds, incurred fees and/or trip cancellations costs.

Travel Guidelines Chart

The Travel Guidelines chart outlines the types of overnight and travel that is approved for both unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals/groups.

View the Travel Guidelines chart

When traveling make sure you understand and follow all state, tribal, local, and territorial travel restrictions, including proper mask wearing, proof of vaccination, testing, or quarantine requirements. For up-to-date information and travel guidance, check the state, tribal, local, and territorial health department’s website where you are, along your route, and where you are going.

Starting June 1, 2022, the domestic travel policy will be that all travelers, youth and adult, should provide proof of a negative Covid test to their Trip Advisor/Troop leader no more than 48 hours to departure and should quarantine between taking their test and getting their results.  Proof of vaccination will no longer be required or collected by council staff for domestic travel.


Property/Office Use

GSWW Offices – Reservations

Volunteers and partners can reserve meeting space at GSWW’s Georgetown, Bremerton, and Everett offices and the Oak Harbor and Port Townsend Troop Houses. 

For office reservations at least five business days before your desired reservation date, complete the Reserving GSWW Office Form with your reservation request. If the space is available, a GSWW office supervisor will contact you to confirm your reservation.

Troop Houses may be reserved using the site reservation form available on the GSWW website.

If members who reserve GSWW office spaces are all fully vaccinated, they should follow current CDC recommendations for vaccinated indoor activities. The Member Safety Guidelines must be followed by all members while in public and/or shared office spaces.

GSWW Offices – Check-in and Check-out Procedures
  • Capacity of meeting spaces is posted for each meeting room, please keep to those capacities.
  • GSWW staff will provide cleaning supplies, soap and/or hand sanitizer for each site and will ensure surfaces are disinfected between user groups.
  • Check-in and check-out procedures specific to each office will be provided on-site and include expected cleaning procedures.
  • Bring own supplies for all meeting activities – GSWW cannot provide supplies at this time due to sanitization needs


Questions or concerns?


Have questions about the COVID-19 Member Safety Guidelines? Feel free to contact us using the form below or call 1(800) 541-9852.

Please enter phone number in the following format: 5555555555