Girl Scouts can complete the following virtual escape room challenges, created by the GSUSA Global Action Committee and GSWW Global Action Committee, to prepare for World Thinking Day.
We recommend that you work through the challenges in numerical order. Each GSWW Challenge contains an interactive slide presentation that showcases the challenge room and a collection of challenge locks where you will need to input codes and other information to demonstrate that you have completed the challenge.
Start a Challenge Today!
Additional Materials
You can also view each challenge room and its corresponding locks separately via files saved in the folders below.
- GSWW Challenge #1
- GSWW Challenge #2
- GSWW Challenge #3
- GSWW Challenge #4
- GSWW Challenge #5
- GSWW Challenge #6
If you have any questions or run into any issues, please reach out to our Program Manager, Rhiannon Hasenauer, at