Don’t let your Girl Scout membership expire!
Think of all the adventures you’ve been on together, the stories you’ve shared, and the challenges you’ve overcome. Your Girl Scout crew truly is something special. Sign up for another year today and keep the magic going.
How to Renew Your Troop
How to Renew Your Family
How to Renew a Lifetime Membership
Renewal FAQ
If you renew before June 30 you will qualify for our renewal incentives.
If you renew before April 16:
- Girl Scouts will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a weeklong camp experience in summer 2022!
- Plus, troops that renew at least two adults and 70% of the registered youth members in their troop will get $25 in their troop bank accounts to be used for more fun in the 2022/2023 Girl Scout year!
If you renew before May 13:
- Girl Scout members will get access to an exclusive Girl Scout event featuring Girl Scout alum Kristen Bell.
- Plus, volunteers that have renewed will be invited to register for an Exclusive Volunteer Appreciation Event at Camp River Ranch.
If you renew before May 31:
- Girl Scouts will be entered into a drawing for access to a free aviation program offered this fall. Date TBD.
Plus, renewing
volunteers will be entered into a drawing for $25 off any of our
volunteer learning conferences within the 2022/2023 membership
If you renew before June 30:
- Daisy, Brownie, and Junior Girl Scouts will be entered into a drawing for a gift basket full of fun Girl Scout gear.
Cadette, Senior, and
Ambassador Girl Scouts will be entered into a drawing for access
to one of our STEAM programs, including a free program kit to help
start them on their journey! They'll even receive a VIP surprise
if they participate in our annual film festival this fall.
- Plus, troops that renew at least two adults and three
youth members before this deadline will qualify to receive an
additional 15 cents per box of cookies sold in the 2023 Cookie
But wait, there's more!
- Service units that hit over 75% renewal by June 30 will have the opportunity to receive some extra funds to help support the plans they have for their Girl Scout communities in the 2022/2023 membership year.
- And remember, Girl Scouts—whenever you renew, you’ll automatically be entered into all subsequent drawings and eligible to receive all subsequent troop incentives. So, the earlier you renew, the more opportunities you’ll have to win!