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GSNorCal offers multiple avenues to be involved with robotics. There are two types of robotic groups in our council; those that participate in tournaments (FIRST or VEX) and those that like to tinker and create their own robots.  

If you are new to robotics we recommend the following:

  • Earn the new Robotics Badges with your troop or attend one of our partner events for Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors at The Tech Musuem of Innovation or Robot Gardens
  • Adults can find out more about the new Robotics Badges in a GSNorCal STEM team webinar.
  • Be a spectator at a local FIRST or VEX tournament. Find local tournaments and events at Robot Events.

Most teams participate in FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) or VEX robotics competitions. Our teams have earned multiple achievements, including awards, press coverage and gone on to championships!

For Grades K-3

FIRST® LEGO® Junior League (JrFLL): Build models using LEGO® Education WeDo and create Show Me posters to present what they learned.

For Grades 3-8

VEX IQ (Grades 3-8): Solve robot and research project challenges and compete in multiple year-round events

FIRST® Lego League (Grades 4-8): Build and program robots that will compete in the FLL annual challenge

For Grades 7-12

FIRST® Tech Challenge (Grades 7-12): Compete with other FTC teams by exploring the connection between robotics and sports

VEX EDR Robotics Competition (Grades 7-12): Participate in a yearly engineering challenges in the form of a game. Build robots and compete year-round in a variety of matches.

FIRST Robotics Competition Robotics Team (Grades 9-12): Dive deeper into parts fabrication, CAD design, and electrical circuits.


Interested in starting or joining a team in your area?
If you or your troop is interested in starting a team or joining a pre-existing team contact us at

Are you and possibly others in your corporation interested in volunteering with an existing team?
Please complete our volunteer survey and we will get back to you with robotics volunteer opportunities we have available.