- All trips are open to girls who will be Cadettes, Seniors, or Ambassadors (grades 6–12) at the time of travel.
- Girls can utilize Cookie Program reward cards to pay for part or all of their trip.
- Girls need to have passports at least 110 days before they depart on their trip.
- Exclusive money-earning opportunities are available for girls signed up for council trips.
- Entire troops can enroll on a council trip.
- Adults can attend with their girls. Please be aware that prices are higher for adults.
- Scholarships are available to girls who qualify and participate in both Fall Product and Cookie Program.
- All dates listed are timelines that girls should be flexible with, as the trips will fall sometime within the listed dates.
- Trip prices include flights from SFO airport, but girls must make their own arrangements to get to and from the airport.
Council-Organized Trips & GSUSA Destinations
Council-Organized Trips
From local sights and landmarks to those around the world, Girl Scouts has an adventure opportunity for every type of traveler. Girl Scouts of Northern California offers annual trips for girls in the Cadette, Senior and Ambassador levels from around the council to travel together and experience new adventures. Special money earning, scholarship, and financial aid opportunities are available to girls to help pay for their council-organized trips!
General Information
2023 - Japan: Land of the Rising Sun
2023 - Culture and Service in Thailand
2024 - Mediterranean
Requested Travel dates are June 24th- July 8th plus or minus 4 days
GSUSA Destinations
If girls are looking for more adventure and are interested in meeting Girl Scouts from around the USA, girls can apply for a GSUSA Destination!
With the support of GSNorCal, girls can apply for one of many GSUSA Destinations hosted by other councils and vendors that take girls all over the world, from playing with pandas in China to swimming with sea turtles in Puerto Rico. GSUSA Destinations are by application only and most groups travel in no more than 30 girls.