Work with other bright, creative people as a team to guide Girl
Scouts in growing life and leadership skills though teamwork and
exciting activities. A troop leader coordinates and organizes the
meeting activities, communicates with parents and families, and
engages their Girl Scouts to create memories that will last a
Traditional style troops can have multiple
troop leaders, typically 2-3, that team up to share responsibility and
leadership for the meeting activities.
Become a Volunteer
Totally fun. Totally you.
Be a Girl Scout Volunteer.
If you’re ready to deeply engage with your community, grow your
skills, and show Girl Scouts what it means to be unstoppable—you’re
ready to be a volunteer.
Ways to Volunteer
Groups of Girl Scouts that meet together regularly are called troops. Learn how you can start a new troop with our help. Or read below to learn about the other troop volunteer roles. Prefer to volunteer outside a troop? We have several short- and long-term volunteer opportunities were we can use your help! Browse through our list of current opportunities, updated monthly.
The best part? There’s no one “type” of volunteer. If you believe
that Girl Scouts can change the world, you
belong here. Join now and see how you can make the
most impact. You don’t have to have a kid of your own to get
involved, you simply have to care. We can help get you started.
Volunteer Roles
Troop Leader (traditional troop)
Assistant Troop Leader (traditional troop)
Troop Cookie Chair
Troop Fall Take Action Product Program Manager
Troop Treasurer
Troop Helper (Chaperone)
Troop Admin (Co-Op troop)
Troop Program Coordinator (Co-op troop)
Troop Trip and Outdoor Coordinator
Council Volunteers
Share your passion to support tomorrow's leaders by participating on a committee, mentoring Girl Scouts, and/or helping out at events. View current opportunities.
Training and Volunteer Requirements
As a Girl Scout volunteer, you will be part of a network of thousands of talented volunteers just like you. Online training is offered for all volunteer positions. Troop volunteers must be at least 18 years of age, have a valid driver’s license or California ID, and must complete a screening process, which includes a criminal background check. Volunteers are also asked to register as a member in Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA). Registration for adult volunteers is $25 and goes to GSUSA to pay for accident insurance covering participation in approved Girl Scout activities, program research and resources, training and services to Councils. Volunteers may request financial assistance to help with the annual registration fee.
Ready to join the fun?
Start the most incredible adventure of your life now! Join now or complete the form for more information on volunteer opportunities near you.