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How Your Girl Scout Troop Can Support Humanitarian Aid in Ukraine

A group of five Girl Scouts collect donations for community service

Wondering how your Girl Scout troop can help with the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in Ukraine? As of Wednesday, March 16, 2022, through Friday, September 30, 2022, the fundraising restrictions have been lifted by the GSUSA Board of Directors to enable Girl Scouts to raise money in support of our sister Girl Guides and their volunteers and families who are being impacted by the war in Ukraine. Here are some ways that girls can offer their support: 

·        CARE – Ukraine Crisis Fund—collecting funds to send immediate aid—food, water, hygiene kits, and services; prioritizes support for women, girls, and the elderly.  

·        Doctors without Borders—supporting with medical help and supplies 

·        International Rescue Committee—global humanitarian aid and relief organization that supports refugees around the world.  

·        Save the Children – Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund—international humanitarian organization that is focused on improving the lives of children around the world in addition to providing emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other conflicts. 

·        United Help Ukraine—Maryland-based volunteer organization that funds first aid kits, humanitarian relief, and emergency medical care 

·        Voices of Children—Ukrainian organization supporting children with psycho-social support. 

·        World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts Emergency Relief Appeal—an emergency appeal fund to support Member Organizations involved in the crisis around Ukraine and to provide other humanitarian support in response to this emergency. 

Supporting your girls through distressing news at home and abroad is a full time job. Here are a few resources that might help:

·        Girl Scouts Raising Awesome Girls—When Violence on the News Shakes her World

·        Talking to Children About Mass Violence

·        Talking to Children About War

Stay strong Girl Scout Sisters 💚