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Our Council

The legacy of Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways lies in the rich history of the former Girl Scout councils known as Central New York, Foothills, Indian Hills, Seven Lakes and Thousand Islands. Through the national realignment of councils, Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways, Inc. was chartered in July 2009. GSNYPENN is chartered by GSUSA to administer the Girl Scout program in 24 counties of New York and two in Pennsylvania. 

Our History

Juliette Gordon Low had a dream.

When she brought that first group of girls together in Savannah, Georgia in early March 1912, she wanted them to explore new possibilities and the wonders of the world around them—and she wanted them to do it together.

Along with Juliette Gordon Low—also known as Daisy, these first Girl Scouts blazed trails and redefined what was possible for themselves—and for girls everywhere. They played basketball. They hiked, swam, and they camped. They learned to tell time by the stars. But most importantly, they shared a sense of adventure and a belief that they could do anything. And just like Girl Scouts do across the country and around the world today, they offered a helping hand to those in need and worked together to make their corner of the world a better place. 

Over the past century, Daisy's small circle of girls has grown to include more than 59 million Girl Scout alumnae—united across distance and decades by lifelong friendships, shared adventures, and the desire to do big things to make the world a better place. 

Read more about Juliette Gordon Low and Girl Scout history.

“Truly, ours is a circle of friendships, united by our ideals.” 
 Juliette Gordon Low 


History & Archives Committee

The History & Archives Committee of Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways was formed in August 2009.  If you would like more information or would like to join, you can contact the committee by e-mail: 

If you prefer standard mail, send your information to:

  History & Archives Committee
  Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways, Inc.
  Attn: JoAnne Morak
  960 James St., Fl. 2
  Syracuse, NY 13203