Become an eco explorer as you get hands-on experience with environmental issues and help make positive changes to the environment.
When girls have earned this badge, they’ll have researched different environmental issues and taken at least one trip to see how an area is impacted.
GSNYPENN Resources
1. Meet an eco explorer
2. Explore biodiversity
Investigate a global ecosystem issue
4. Plan a trip to explore
and work on an issue
5. Share what you learned
- Video demonstration: Watch Step 3 of this badge.
- National Service Project: Citizen Science
- Leading an engaging Senior meeting: Recommendations for facilitating group conversations, handling supplies, and organizing your meeting
- Digital ice breakers and games
- Virtual meeting agenda (PDF): Use this resource to help you adapt the meeting plans found in the Volunteer Toolkit
- Step-by-step planner: Sign-in to the Volunteer Toolkit to find instructions for meeting 1 and meeting 2 of this badge including, materials lists, scripts, meeting aids, and more.