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Girl Scouts earning their Silver Award

Silver Award Girl Scouts

Have you ever looked around your neighborhood or school and wondered how you could make a change for the better? Going for the Girl Scout Silver Award—the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn—gives you the chance to do big things and make your community better in the process. 

Sign up for a Silver Award Training now to get the scoop on how to achieve the distinguished Silver Award! Check out our Events Calendar for upcoming in-person sessions and live webinar dates. Remember, Troop Leaders and family members are welcome to attend, too! P.S. You can take the workshop prior to completing your Journey requirements. 

Download the following documents in preparation for your Silver Award Training. Here's everything you need to succeed:

REQUIREMENTS for Girl Scout Silver Award: 

You're in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade (or equivalent)


You're a registered Girl Scout Cadette 


You have completed a Cadette Journey



You have completed Silver Award Training


You must complete a minimum of 50 hours work for your Silver Award

Your Silver Award Project Proposal must be APPROVED by Council before you start the award


Have a project idea? Just fill out the Silver Award Project Proposal Form

Once your Silver Award project is complete, fill out the Silver Award Final Report and send it to the GSSN Reno Service Center c/o Awards. Don’t forget that each girl needs to fill out her own report and should include her own copies of the Actual Budget and Time Log. 

Questions about earning your Silver Award? We're here to help! Contact us at or 775-322-0642.