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What Juniors Do

Want to meet a real-life Supergirl? Just talk to a Girl Scout Junior who wakes up every day ready to play a new role.

Juniors are explorers when they go camping for the first time. They're CEOs when they market and sell cookies. They're scientists when they do energy audits and go on nature walks. And they're product designers and writers when they earn their Innovation and Storytelling badges. Not to mention change makers, big-idea thinkers, and future leaders. Supergirl, indeed!

As a Junior, she might:


Share stories (and smiles) with new friends in her troop


Try new experiences and learn new skills as she earns badges


Develop Financial Literacy by participating in the Fall Product Program and the Girl Scout Cookie Program (and have fun doing it)


Explore the outdoors at camp and beyond


Choose an issue she cares about, then do something to make a difference as part of a Girl Scout Leadership Journey


Earn her Bronze Award, the first of Girl Scouts' highest awards


Attend programs and events (with or without her Troop) that interest her (and you)!