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Girl Scouts earning their Bronze Award

Bronze Award Girl Scouts

When Girl Scout Juniors team up to make a difference in their community, they learn important leadership skills, discover new passions, and watch how seemingly small actions make a big difference. It all adds up to the Girl Scout Bronze Award—the highest honor a Junior can achieve. Download the Bronze Award guidelines to find out how.

Bridging Juniors’ deadline to complete final paperwork for Bronze Award Projects is September 30, 2023.

Girl Scout Bronze Award pin
You can pursue your Girl Scout Bronze Award if:

You're in fourth or fifth grade (or equivalent)


You're a registered Girl Scout Junior


You have completed a Junior Journey

Juniors have the option of attending a Bronze Award Workshop, which is offered at various times throughout the council. Please check our Events page for available dates and locations.

Girl Scout Bronze Award Steps

1. Build your Girl Scout Junior team

Girls must work as a group on the Bronze Award. Your team can be your troop, more than one troop, or a group of friends.

2. Explore your community

Your community can be your town, school, church, park, neighborhood, etc. Think about the people, places, and things in your community that may have needs. What are the root causes or core issues of those needs? Who in your community would be able to help you address those needs?

3. Choose your Bronze Award project

Think about the ways you can address those root causes to help your communities needs. This will be your project. Think about the following: Who will I be helping? How realistic are our goals? How will we be able to see the changes we want to make? Why is this project important to us? Find something your group is passionate about!

4. Make a plan

How will you go about your project? Who do you need to talk to? What volunteers will you need? What supplies will you need? How much money will you need and where will you get it? How much time will your project take?

5. Put your plan in motion

Start Working on your project. Put your plan into action! Have fun working with your community and making a difference!

Be sure to follow the marketing and public relations guidelines to promote your event. 

6. Spread the word

Turn in your final reports by September 30 of your 6th grade year that you bridge to Cadettes to receive your certificate and be officially recognized by council as earning your Bronze Award. Remember to include photos, copies of news articles, flyers, or any other documentation of your work. Celebrate your accomplishment! Have a special celebration with your troop or community.

Ready to get started? Here are some resources to help you out!
For Volunteers
For Girl Scout Juniors


Bronze Take Action Projects at GSWCF

Please fill out the High Awards at GSWCF form and bring with you to your meeting with the property ranger. Once a ranger or staff member has approved your idea, please submit your form to for committee approval. Committee will approve or provide feedback regarding your project within 10 business days. With committee and ranger approval you can proceed to submit your Bronze Award Final Paperwork. 

Hiram College Scholarship

This scholarship is available for Girl Scouts attending Hiram College that have earned their Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award. 

Learn more.



Need some help?  Contact us at  or (813)262-1782