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Girl Scouts earning their Bronze Award

Girl Scout Bronze Award

The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest honor a Girl Scout Junior can achieve. Girls work together to complete a Bronze Award Take Action project that is meaningful to them. Through the project, they’ll learn leadership, work with people in their community, build confidence, and develop skills—all while making the world a better place.  

Girl Scout Bronze Award Ceremony

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

172 incredible Junior Girl Scouts made a significant impact on their communities. 

Click below to view the Bronze Award Photo Album

Bronze Award Ceremony 12.6.22
All Fur One Pet Rescue Cat Tower Build and Donation
Animal Sanctuary
Animal Spotlight
Back to School. New Beginnings.
Barbie Recycle
Birthday Boxes
Blessing Bags For Those In Need
Brightside Bags for DCCP
Butterfly Conservation Project
Cookie Jars and Blankets
Dance Your Way Fit
Encouraging Recycling at Parks through Art
Food Security Can Change the World!
Foster Basket Donation Drive
Give the Gift of Sight
Halloween Costume Drive
Haunted Home Scientist Carnival
Humane Society Bench
Lavallette School Salad Program
Little Food Pantry
New Family Baby Boxes
Produce Stand for Liberty Haven Farm
S.A.V.E. Our Furry Friends
Save Our Oceans from Microplastics
Save the Earth Recyclers
Save the Sea
Senior Community Garden
Sock Stars for Project Paul
Story Time
Team Green
The Cappers: From Plastic Caps to a Park Bench
The Rockets Mural
The Sunshine Crew Donates Books and Toys to Pediatric Cancer Patients
Undies for Everyone

Award Deadline: Final reports must be submitted no later than September 30 of a girl's sixth grade year.

Hour Requirement for the Award: Each girl must log 20 hours to earn the award. This includes research, planning, taking action, and completing the final report.



Troop leaders, parents, and adult volunteers take Bronze Award training to learn how to guide girls through a successful Bronze Award project. Register for an in-person Bronze Award Workshop to get started, if you have questions or need assistance.  



Girls are ready for their Bronze Award when:

  • They’re in fourth or fifth grade (or equivalent)
  • They’re a registered Girl Scout Junior (in a troop or as a Girl Scout Juliette)
  • They’ve completed a Girl Scout Junior Journey


Step One: Go On A Junior Journey

Girl Scout Journeys give girls opportunities to explore new things, connect with friends and the community, and make a difference in the world.

To see Junior Journey options, visit the Award and Badge Explorer. Select “Junior” as the grade level and “Journeys” as the topic to see Journeys. Print a PDF to share with girls, who can then chose the Journey they’ll work on.

Junior Journeys are available to leaders and co-leaders in the Volunteer Toolkit. Parents and other volunteer’s assisting girls can contact us to gain access to Journey curriculum.

Step Two: Build A Team

Ideally, girls work in a team to complete the Bronze Award so that they get experience in teambuilding and cooperation. The team can be a whole troop or part of a troop, or Girl Scout Juliettes and/or girls from one or more troops who have arranged to complete the award together.

Got a girl who needs a team? Ask at your community meeting about other girls who might be looking to team up. Girls may also invite friends to be on their team. 

Step Three: Explore The Community

Girls explore their community using the mapping tools in the Girl Scout Bronze Award Guide. They learn about issues in their community that interest them. “Community” is broadly defined: girls can explore their neighborhood, their school, Girl Scouts, or a faith-based community.

Step Four: Choose A Project

Girls share the issues they’ve discovered in their community, selecting a few on which to focus. They research and connect with community members to understand the root causes of an issues before selecting one for their Bronze Award Take Action project.

What leaders and parents who are guiding girls do:

  • Guide girls to ensure that the girls’ project idea meets Bronze Award requirements (take the online training to learn more).
  • Help girls connect with community members to learn.
  • Discuss online safety and have girls take the Internet Safety Pledge before researching online.
  • Let girls know that they can't raise funds for another organization as part of their project. More info about this topic, and guidelines for other similar topics, like asking for donations, can be found in Volunteer Essentials, Troop Finances.
Step Five: Make A Plan

Girls use what they learn in Step Four to answer questions in the Girl Scout Bronze Award Guide and put together their project plan.

What leaders and parents who are guiding girls do:

  • Encourage conversation between girls as they develop the plan—making sure all voices are heard.
  • Help girls budget. Find money-earning project info and financial guidelines in Volunteer Essentials, Troop Finances
  • Guide girls to develop a realistic plan based on the award deadline, funding, and time.
Step Six: Put A Plan In Motion

Girls determine tasks, assign responsibilities and set due dates. They carry out their tasks, discuss progress, and re-think tasks when needed.

What leaders and parents who are guiding girls do:

  • Help girls connect with community experts who can help or provide information.
  • Organize trips that will help them learn or carry out their project (i.e., a trip to get supplies, a meeting with a community member, etc.)
  • Take photos or videos to document the project.
  • Help girls re-direct to stay on track or work through an obstacle.
Step Seven: Spread The Word

Girls spread the word about their project and accomplishments in order to inspire others to make the world a better place. Girls can educate others as part of their project or they can share when they’re done. 

What leaders and parents can do:

Discuss with girls the ways they can share. If they choose to share their project online, suggest these sites:

Note: Remember to review the online Internet Safety Pledge and have girls take it.

Step Eight: Submit The Final Report

Each girl on the Bronze Award team submits her own final report online.

What leaders and parents who are guiding girls do:

  • They approve the award by reviewing and approving the content of the final report.
  • Celebrate! Help girls plan a ceremony or party.
  • Attend the council's Bronze Award Ceremony to celebrate the girls' accomplishments.

Can a girl earn a Bronze Award on her own?

Sometimes, a girl will want to earn a Bronze Award, but her troop will not. Girl Scout Juliettes also want to earn Bronze Awards. Because the Bronze Award is a team project, we encourage solo girls to create their own team. Contact others in your region to see if she can team up with others. Or, have her invite her fourth and fifth-grade friends to be on her team—they’ll need to register as Girl Scout members, but they can earn the award too! Girls can earn a Bronze Award on their own, but it’s a last-resort option.

How many girls are needed for the Bronze Award team?

There is no set minimum or maximum of girls on a team.

My daughter wants to do a different project than the rest of her troop, can she work on her project on her own?

Because the Bronze Award is meant to be a team activity, we ask that girls try to work with their troop to come to a compromise first before deciding to do their own project. If your troop is interested in two different projects, consider suggesting to do one as the Bronze Award Project and the other as an additional Take Action project. It’s ok to do both!

How many hours are required for a Bronze Award?

Twenty hours per girl. This includes research and planning as well as carrying out the Bronze Award project and completing the final report.

What is the difference between a community service project and the Take Action project required for the Bronze Award?

Community service projects address a need “right now.” For example, collecting dog food for a shelter helps the dogs “right now.” With Take Action projects, girls ask: “Why is this issue happening?” to determine the root cause of an issue. They might end up raising awareness about the importance of adoption or spaying and neutering pets. Or, address another root cause of the issue. Girls then work to eliminate the cause or reduce it. Community service projects are also done for a community. Take Action projects work with the community. For example girls often consult community members or experts to understand an issue and address it. 

What if girls fall short on hours?

Follow the Bronze Award Checklist to ensure that all award components have been completed. Talking with girls about how they could make their project sustainable or what they could measure to show their impact can increase involvement.

My troop is ready to go for the Bronze Award. But I have two new girls who haven’t done a Journey.  What should I do?

It’s possible for girls who are new to a troop to work on Journeys and not be excluded from the troop’s Bronze Award project. The council offers many Journey programs that your new girls may attend. Parents can also work with girls to complete a Journey. 

Do I need council to sign off on my troop’s Bronze Award projects?

No. Troop leaders or parents of individually registered members determine when a Bronze Award project has been completed. Please attend a Parent/Leader Bronze Award Workshop to better understand the Bronze Award Process.

Who is a project advisor?

A project advisor is an expert in the community who has knowledge of the area that Bronze Award team addresses. Having an advisor can be a great resource for the girls—especially during the planning phase. For example, a troop working on a Bronze Award that brings healthy food awareness to a school can consult a nutritionist as an expert. It’s best if the project advisor is not a parent associated with the troop. 

Where do I send my troops final report forms?

The final report for the Bronze Award can be completed online. Visit this link to complete for report. Please give time to complete all sections. This form must be completed in one sitting.

Do I need to keep a copy of the final report?

It’s a good idea to keep a copy of the final report for your own records. A copy will be emailed to you automatically when you submit your final report.

How are girls recognized for the Bronze Award?

After girls submit their final report, our new Bronze Award Girl Scouts will be invited to a recognition ceremony hosted by the council. 

Where do Bronze Award Pins go—Junior or Cadette uniform?

Like other pins, the Bronze Award pin can be moved up to the Cadette uniform after bridging.

Our troop wants to have a bake sale to raise money for the children’s hospital is that ok?

Girl Scouts cannot fundraise for another organization. This includes accepting money on behalf of another organization, having a bake sale and donating the proceeds to another organization, asking for donations for another organization. See Volunteer Essentials, Troop Finances.

Also, keep in mind that a fundraiser rarely addresses the root cause of a community issue. Encourage your girls to ask, “Why does the children’s hospital need money?” The answer may lead them to a root cause.



Troops funds:  Girls can use troop funds for Bronze Award Take Action projects. Leaders create a letter for girls to sign indicating that all girls in the troop agree to use troop funds.

Money earning: Troops who have participated in both the Fall Product Program and the Girl Scout Cookie Program can plan a money-earning project (like a bake sale, rummage sale, holiday gift wrap station, etc.) to fund their Bronze Award project. See “Money-Earning Basics for Troops” to learn more. 


Get Help

We’re happy to help! Contact us with questions or to discuss a Bronze Award Project idea before girls get going.



We’re happy to help! Contact us with questions or to discuss a Bronze Award Project idea before girls get going.