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There are so many ways to be a Girl Scout! She can go to summer camp, sell cookies, work on badges and Journeys, or attend council-sponsored events. Plus, you can mix and match Girl Scout badges with the curriculum you are using!

The content of all Girl Scout national proficiency badges and Journeys have been correlated by grade level to  National Common Core Standards, 21st Century Skills Standards, Financial Literacy Education Standards, and curriculum for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

The flexibility of Girl Scouts is a perfect fit for families that homeschool. You can join a Girl Scout troop or independently create your own schedule as a Girl Scout Juliette.

A Juliette is a girl who participates in Girl Scouts as an individual member. If you choose to be a Juliette, you can participate in special events, earn awards, camp, and even sell Girl Scout Cookies! You can select as many or as few activities that interest you and fit your schedule.

Benefits of Girl Scouts for Homeschoolers

  • Group activities help her develop strong social skills and make new friends
  • The Girl Scouts Leadership Experience sets her up for a lifetime of success
  • Girl Scouts programming focuses on four pillars: STEM, outdoors, life skills, and entrepreneurship
  • Much of her badge work (Journeys, too!) can count as school 
  • You and your girl can meet families from different backgrounds
  • Girl Scouts curriculum and programming is flexible, so you can create an experience that fits your needs and interests

Homeschool families that are not yet registered are invited to attend one of three parties.

While your girl enjoys her virtual party, we'll get to know you and share ideas about how Girl Scouts can supercharge her life.

Can't attend one of our parties? Let's make a date to talk Girl Scouts!

If you have questions, don't hesitate to call 800-785-2090. If you are ready to join, we look forward to beginning your Girl Scout journey.

Let's talk About Girl Scouts

Fill out our Parent Meet & Greet form and we'll schedule a time that works best for you.

Homeschool Testimonial

Cawley (125)

Girl Scouts offers boundless benefits to homeschooling families, including the family of Marianne Cawley. She's a homeschool parent and Girl Scout troop leader. She says Girl Scouts offers her daughter solid friendships, educational opportunities,  and the right tools to achieve her goals. 

Meet Marianne Cawley
Girl Scout Leader and Homeschool Parent
Cawley (250)

I am so thankful to the Girl Scouts and having it be one more way to keep my family socially active and engaged. Girl Scouts offers boundless benefits to my homeschooling family: solid friendships, educational opportunities, the right tools to achieve their goals, the chance for girls to be heard, to have their interests peaked, and the room to be curious about them. 

Both homeschooling and Girl Scouts offer the opportunity to be Girl-led and offer a lot of flexibility. Girl Scouts can open the door to many topics/subjects of interest that can be explored deeper while homeschooling. Many of the badges they earn in Girl Scouts explore the same topics from our homeschool core curriculum.

They learn great public speaking and communication skills through Girl Scouts. This is an important part of one's education that I would be introducing as a Homeschool Parent. Girl Scouts gives me ideas on what I could and should teach. There are cooking, coding, countless badges and patches that can all be turned into coursework. This is all fun for the girls! They love earning the patches and badges, and it gives them the tools to achieve and succeed.

Girl Scouts can satisfy any Physical Education options you want to introduce. Working on the Hiker and Dancer badge offered a chance for physical activity as did doing yoga for our My Best Self Badge. While also working on the My Best Self badge, our Homeschool Brownie troop met with a nurse, and she gave us information on proper hygiene, healthy eating habits, and physical activity. This served as a Health class for my daughter that day, and she had a great time while learning. It helps me out too, seeing how much she enjoys Girl Scouts and I am still getting her lessons accomplished.

The Girl Scout Journey books have stories and questions in them similar to what you may see in an elementary school classroom. Learning through reading and critical thinking is important to me as a Homeschool Educator. This is all part of her home education.

Girl Scouts has become an important part of our homeschooling journey. It gives the girls a chance to see the same girls each meeting during the day. It's not a random park meet-up or a one-time, it is a constant for these girls. They can count on seeing each other a few times a month, and sharing those experiences together really grows their friendships. In my experience, they find they have a lot in common, and often the parents do, too. 

Girl Scouts offers such a broad range of opportunities it is easy to be inspired to take the learning a step further with our homeschooling. It sparks ideas for my daughter to dig deeper into what we are learning during the day. It scratches the surface to see if there is something more to learn about a subject that I will then teach the next day.

I chose to homeschool so that my daughter has time to dive into a subject to look for answers and learn at her own pace. I want her to enjoy learning and Girl Scouts inspires her curiosity to do just that!