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Girl Scout Juliettes

Juliette Girl Scouts (formerly known as iGirls) are registered girl members, in grades K-12, who are busy, independent, self-confident girls and young women who want to be a part of something larger – Girl Scouts! Meeting in troops is one way to be part of the Girl Scout experience, but when there aren’t available troops in the area, a troop no longer meets, or a girl becomes too busy with extracurricular activities or sports, becoming a Juliette will allow her to continue her Girl Scout experience on an individual basis.

As a Juliette, a girl won’t attend troop meetings; instead, she will work on Girl Scout programs with the guidance of a caregiver or another adult mentor. She will decide what activities to participate in and which earned recognitions/awards she wishes to complete. A Juliette may also attend regional and council events, such as exclusive Juliette outings/field trips and badge opportunities, council-offered programs and more.

Why Should I Become a Juliette?
There are many advantages to participating in Girl Scouts as a Juliette. Juliettes:

  • Gain leadership experience.
  • Have the opportunity to participate in all Girl Scout activities individually, so they can tailor their experience.
  • Create a well-rounded Girl Scout experience by completing the planning guide for their grade-level, on their own time.
  • Serve their community through individual community service projects and Take Action projects.

What Can a Juliette Do?
Juliette Girl Scouts can do anything Girl Scouts in a troop can do. Juliettes learn to Discover, Connect, and Take Action when they:

Complete Girl Scout Journeys + Badges
Girls can choose from different Journey books at every program grade level. Journeys guide girls towards becoming a leader in their community. Juliettes can also earn badges, which include a variety of skill-building activities, many of which complement the Journeys.

Attend Girl Scout Events + Activities
Juliettes can meet other girls in their area while completing Journeys, earning badges, or learning more about the outdoors at council-sponsored events. Communities also offer many events and service opportunities, which are great for Juliettes to meet other Girl Scouts in their area.

Help Others Through Community Service
Part of the Girl Scout Law is to “make the world a better place.” Juliettes can work on their own or with their Girl Scout community to carry out this Girl Scout tradition. Juliettes can also pass along what they’ve learned, gain leadership skills, and earn special mentoring awards by helping younger Girl Scouts at troop meetings, events, camp, and more.

Participate in the Girl Scout Cookie and Fall Product Programs
Juliettes can fund their Girl Scout activities while learning great business skills including goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics. Learn more about Cookies and the Fall Product Sale.

Earn Girl Scouting’s Highest Awards
The Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards are the highest awards in Girl Scouting. Juliettes can earn these awards by leading a take-action project to improve their local community

Travel with Girl Scout destinations
Juliettes can experience leadership opportunities and cross-cultural understanding through regional, national, and international travel.



Want to know more about the Girl Scout Juliette program? Call us at (800) 785-2090 or send us an email