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2023 Cookie Sale Timeline

December 30 & January 6 – Welcome emails will be sent to troop volunteers on 12/30 (to access eBudde) and to parents on 1/6/23 (to access Digital Online Cookie DOC).  This is an additional option, not intended to replace the traditional cookie order taking.

January 2  - Troops can begin entering troop scheduled cookie booth locations using the booth scheduler in eBudde. (Council booth sales are not available to claim until early February).

December 28 - January 12 - New product managers/new troop leaders  should  take  a  council  cookie  training – preregister through the GSJS website activities calendar.

January 13  - Sale begins. DOC opens for girl delivery & donations only and traditional paper order card sales begin.

January 29  – Initial order taking ends & girl delivery option in DOC ends. 


Troops collect and enter girl’s initial paper order card totals into eBudde.  Booth sale cookies can be included with initial order (or a pending order can be placed as described below). Please keep in mind that all cookies ordered are the responsibility of  the troop and are non-returnable.  REMEMBER!  All online GIRL DELIVERY cookies will transfer over automatically to the eBudde initial order.

February 2 – SU Coordinator cutoff at 11:59 pm to make any entries/adjustments in eBudde if troop needs to make an edit/addition. 

February 20  – Transaction tab opens in eBudde – troops may now place additional orders for booth sale cookies or extra/late orders for pick up in Toms River or Farmingdale.

February 17 - March 3  – Community cookie delivery weeks – These  dates may be adjusted  by  our delivery agent.  Any  change will  be  shared  as  soon  as  that information is made available.

February 27 – DOC shipped orders launch; troop links activate on the GSUSA Cookie Finder website.

March 1 – Council cookie depots open at both service centers.

March 3 – Booth Sales begin. National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend.

March 10 – UNPAID FUNDS COLLECTION FORM is due to  for ACH adjustments, if needed.

March 17 – FIRST ACH WITHDRAWAL – 50% of girl’s initial orders.  Amount to be withdrawn will show on eBudde sales report.

April 2 – DOC closes.

April 7 - FINAL UNPAID FUNDS COLLECTION FORM is due for any unpaid parent balances, last chance for ACH adjustments.  Last day of council cookie depots. 

April 9 – Last day of booth sales.

April 11 – DEADLINE TO SUBMIT GIRL REWARDS.  Finish  allocating boxes to girls before submitting.

April 14 – FINAL ACH WITHDRAWAL of any balance due to council; amount will show on sales report.