Educators and Girl Scouts: Stronger Together
Why You Should Partner with Girl Scouts Today
Girl Scouts complements the indispensable work you do as an educator every day.
In fact, research shows that Girl Scouts are more likely than non–Girl Scouts to achieve academic excellence, and overachieve when it comes to team work, hands-on learning and reflection, and decision making. That’s because Girl Scouts understands the vital connection between young girls’ development and their future success, and offers a one-of-a-kind, proven leadership development program that pairs girls with strong, caring role models and mentors like you, who prepare them to take the lead from age 5 to 18, and into adulthood.
Our ready-to-implement, flexible, and customizable programming
exposes girls to so many things—like science, technology, engineering,
and math (STEM); entrepreneurship; life skills; financial literacy;
and outdoor experiences—in the safe, all-girl environment of a Girl
Scout troop, where they can try new things, develop a range of skills,
take on leadership roles, and feel comfortable failing, dusting
themselves off, and trying again!
So who better than you
to guide, mentor, and cheer her on as she unlocks her potential to
accomplish amazing things? As an educator, you already know what she
needs to shine and thrive in every aspect of her life. Your knowledge,
experience, patience, and passion for learning will change her
life—and she’ll change yours. Think of Girl Scouts as a unique new way
to build meaningful relationships with students and parents!
There are several different ways to get involved. You could:
- Become a troop leader.
- Help out at a one-day community event.
- Speak to a troop about your area of expertise.
- Advocate for your school to partner and offer Girl Scout programs.
And so much more!
Our Collaboration with the National Education Association
Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) has teamed up with the National Education Association (NEA) to provide members with easy-to-access educator resources and volunteer opportunities with local Girl Scout councils. After all, we’re the perfect fit! Both Girl Scouts and educators are deeply committed to girls’ education and development, and your distinctive expertise and experience will make a world of difference to girls in your area. Let’s build a better world for girls and for all of us, together.
Learn how Girl Scout programming meets state and national curriculum standards, and check out an important video message below from GSUSA CEO Sylvia Acevedo about why the partnership between Girl Scouts and educators is so important to support girls’ success.
More Learning, More Outcomes: Welcome Girl Scouts into Your School Today
We invite you to work with us to bring the power of Girl Scouting to your school by offering space, allowing us to distribute information to girls and parents, facilitating Girl Scouts representation at school functions, or encouraging parents to volunteer with us. There are so many ways to be part of the impact! Give us a call: 800-624-4185 or email us at:
The unique benefits for girls, and the seamless way in which our program and yours work together to maximize outcomes are just two of the many reasons to get involved. Check out these helpful resources to learn more.
Every Girl for a Lifetime of Leadership (PDF)
What Girl Scouts Can Offer to YOUR School (PDF)