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Girl Scouts earning their Silver Award

Silver Award Girl Scouts

NEW!!  The new Silver Award Guides are here!  All girls earning the Girl Scout Silver Award after September 30, 2023, must adhere to the new guidelines and report forms below.  You can also find Training information at the bottom of this page.

When Girl Scout Cadettes focus on an issue they care about, learn the facts, and take action to make a difference, they gain the confidence and skills that will catapult them to lifelong success. It all adds up to the Girl Scout Silver Award—the highest honor a Cadette can achieve.  Download the Silver Award guides and forms below to find out how.

Girl Scout Silver Award pin

 If your girls have already earned their Silver Award, please submit a Recognition Request Form in order to report that they have earned the award.  This form also authorizes you to purchase their Pin from our shops.

You can pursue your Girl Scout Silver Award if: 

You're in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade (or equivalent)


You're a registered Girl Scout Cadette 


You have completed a Cadette Journey

Girl Scout Silver Award Steps

Identify an issue you care about


Build your Girl Scout Silver Award team or decide to go solo


Explore your community


Pick your Silver Award project


Develop your project


Make a plan and put it into motion


Reflect, share your story, and celebrate


GSUSA Silver Award Training

GSUSA has developed and launched the GSUSA Earning the Silver Award: Your Guide to the Requirements and Process learning path on gsLearn.  This training is designed for you and your girls to complete together to understand the steps and process for earning the Girl Scout Silver Award.

Take the training with your girls and get ready to  Go for Silver!

You can access training for you and your girls in gsLearn.  Search for:   GSUSA Earning the Silver Award: Your Guide to the Requirements and Process
Steps to access the training:  Log into myGS and then select gsLearn, and then click the course name above.  That should take you straight to the training!

**If you have trouble accessing the learning path courses on gsLearn, please contact