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Robotics Team

Interested in learning about or working with robots? Click below to learn about one of our amazing robotics teams! Join Girl Scout Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors as they work together to build, test, and program robots—then compete against other robotics teams in North Carolina and beyond! 

Adult coaches and mentors guide the team through challenges as they identify underlying problems, use research to develop innovative solutions, and practice critical thinking and creativity.

Want to learn more? Meeting times, competition information, joining requirements, and more found below!

FRC Team 4816 Holographic: 7-12 Graders

Where: Team Holographic meets at GSNCCP’s Raleigh Service Center.

What do you need to know: No prior experience is needed! You’ll be taught everything you need to participate. 

When: Team Holographic is in an alliance with FIRST and competes in the NC district FIRST Robotics Competition. This involves a minimum of two qualifying competitions in March with a chance to qualify for the State Championships in early April. There are also off-season competitions in the summer and fall.

You can join anytime, but the best time to get involved is late summer to early fall. For more information about meeting dates and times, contact us here.

Want more information? Find us on our website or Twitter!

Fantastic Bots and Where to Find Them: 4-8 Graders

Are you ages 9-14 (as of January 1st) and interested in joining a robotics team in the Raleigh area? Fantastic Bots and Where to Find Them may be for you! An informational meeting is taking place August 21st, 2021 at 1pm. Contact Jen Rutan for more information.

*Fantastic Bots and Where to Find Them is looking for two co-leaders to support the robotics team. Contact Jen Rutan if you are interested!*

Where: In-person meetings take place in northern Wake County, outdoors on a screen porch. Make sure to dress for the weather!

When: Fantastic Bots and Where to Find Them meets virtually on Wednesdays from 7-8 pm and in-person on Saturday from 1-3pm. All meetings are required, and there are independent assignments to complete each week.

Fantastic Bots competes in the FIRST Lego League. Regular meetings begin in September, with the qualifier tournament taking place in November or December, with State Championships in January. In the off-season, team members are required to participate in one team outreach event.

What you need to know: No skills are necessary, but team members are expected to respect each other, attend all meetings (barring illness), and complete their weekly assigned tasks on time.

As a prerequisite for joining the team, each girl will be asked to brainstorm a problem related to the 2021 FLL Challenge, devise a solution, and submit a few sentences, drawings, or a video describing their ideas. Additionally, one adult from each family needs to register as a Girl Scout volunteer, complete the background check process, and volunteer at two Saturday meetings or a tournament.

Check out a video of bots in action here! Email us here if you’d like to join, or for more information!

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