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Individually Registered Members (IRMs)

What is an Individually Registered Member?

Individually Registered Members (IRMs) are youth members in grades K-12 who are self-confident go-getters that want to learn and be a part of something bigger! Becoming an IRM allows girls to experience Girl Scouts at their own pace. As an IRM, you can work on badges, participate in events, attend camp, sell cookies, and more! You're encouraged to select activities that you are passionate about and pursue them within your Girl Scout experience. The possibilities are endless!


Explore IRM Activities

  • IRM_Buttons_Program
  • IRM_Buttons_HA
  • IRM_Buttons_Travel
  • IRM_Buttons_Curriculum
  • IRM_Buttons_Camp
  • IRM_Buttons_Cookies


What can an IRM do?
  • IRMs can work on badges, participate in events, attend camp, travel, and sell cookies.
  • IRMs in grades 4-12 can earn highest awards that often help with college admission, scholarships, and job applications!  
  • IRM guardians have access to the Volunteer ToolKit where they can access badge and journey requirements, track progress, and make plans for what’s to be accomplished next!
Who can be an IRM?

Any youth in grades K-12 may become an IRM. This option is especially popular among youth active in extracurricular activities and sports as it allows more flexibility to participate within the allotted time they have.

How much does it cost to be an IRM?
  • The annual membership fee for all Girl Scouts is $25. This fee provides accident insurance for youth participating in Girl Scout activities. Financial assistance is available for the cost of membership, supplies, and programming.
How can I register to be an IRM?
Why participate as an IRM?

IRMs can enjoy building their own unique leadership experience at their own pace! Whether on the go or busy at home, there are so many opportunities to participate in the largest network of girls and women in the world!

Can an IRM sell cookies?

YES! IRMs can sell cookies and have their portion of the proceeds added to a Cookie Dough Card. The Cookie Dough Card can be used to pay for supplies and merchandise at the Girl Scout Store, camp, events, programming, and membership year over year! The Cookie Program is a great way for IRMs to self-fund their own experience while developing entrepreneurial skills that will last a lifetime!

What support is available for IRMs?
  • The Girl Scouts of Western Washington council is divided into geographic areas called Service Units. IRMs are assigned to their Service Unit based on their zip code when placed as an IRM. Becoming involved in the local Service Unit will provide a connection with local activities, council updates, and a connection with other IRMs.
  • Amazing volunteers and staff members are available within your Service Unit.
    • Service Unit Manager – can assist in navigating all the incredible opportunities available and provide a connection to other Girl Scouts and Troop Leaders.
    • Volunteer Support Manager – can provide ongoing support in addition to the local Service unit.
    • Customer Care – can assist with any questions, either system or regarding the Girl Scout program.  If needed they will forward to the appropriate individual for help.
  • We have Facebook groups for each Service Unit in our council. In those groups, volunteers and staff post about upcoming events and programming.



Interested in becoming an IRM?

Join Girl Scouts today!

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