Corporate Partners
Partner Highlights
Ericsson’s Bellevue office hosted a workshop in October 2019 where 35 girls worked alongside Ericsson’s tech experts to program robots. This program gave girls a no-cost way to earn their Programming Robots badge while learning technical skills and connecting with inspiring women role models. Through the Ericsson-Girl Scouts of Western Washington partnership, we’re well on our way to establishing a pipeline of women in the STEM leadership workforce.
In November 2019, Facebook’s Women in AR/VR committee hosted a free workshop at their Washington headquarters featuring two female keynote speakers, multi-part coding challenges, and all-women panels of tech experts. The 60 Cadette Girl Scouts attending earned Coding Basics and Digital Game Design Badges. Thanks to Facebook, girls in western Washington have more opportunities to develop professional skills and empower themselves to choose STEM careers!
Questions? Contact Wade Brewer at
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