Bellevue Botanical Garden Society offers several badge workshops, including Daisy Flower Garden Journey, Brownie Hiker, Brownie Bugs, Junior Gardening, Junior Flowers, Cadette Trees, and all levels of the Outdoor Art badges. We also provide a fun patch from the garden. We can do the Junior and Cadette badges virtually; otherwise, the workshops are in-person at the Bellevue Botanical Garden. We will also offer a Girl Scout discount for some of our public youth workshops with information on badge requirements fulfilled. We have a Girl Scout Day event for Daisies and Brownies in the spring.
Who: All ages
What: Badge workshops
Where: Bellevue Botanical Garden, 12001 Main Street, Bellevue,
WA 98005, or the possibility of virtual for Junior or Cadette
Cost: Private workshops for Daisies or
Brownies are a $120 flat fee for 5-15 Girl Scouts. Private workshops
for Juniors or higher are a $170 flat fee. Please see our website for
pricing on events and public workshops.
Contact: Kate
Sorensen, or (425) 452-5273