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Bronze Award

Bronze Award Deadline Extension

The Bronze Award extension applies to Girl Scout Juniors who were in 5th grade on March 31, 2020 and will bridge to the next program level (Cadettes) on September 30, 2020.

For 5th grade girls whose Bronze Award projects were underway during the development of COVID-19, the deadline to complete their project and submit the Final Report is extended to September 30, 2021.

To complete the Bronze Award, troop leaders should provide final approval and submit Final Reports to council for our records no later than September 30, 2021.

The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Junior can achieve. As you and your Bronze Award team plan and complete your project, you'll meet new people and have the kind of fun that happens when you work with other Girl Scouts to make a difference.

The Bronze Award is a Take Action project, which asks girls to go further than solving an immediate need—they ask you to solve an issue at its root cause, making a more long-term impact on a problem. Learn more about Take Action projects in GSNorCal Volunteer Essentials, and our expert-written Trailhead article! At the Bronze Award level, it is most important that Girl Scouts are beginning to understand and can practice implementing the concept of the Take Action project, and that the key pieces of “Take Action” are emerging in their work. Please review the Bronze Award Rubric for Troop Leaders for more information!

You can pursue your Girl Scout Bronze Award if:
  • You're in fourth or fifth grade (or equivalent)
  • You're a registered Girl Scout Junior
  • You have completed a Junior Journey (including the Take Action project at the end)
  • You have taken a GSNorCal Bronze Award training

Steps to Earn the Girl Scout Bronze Award

  1. Complete a Junior Journey (including the Take Action project at the end). Each girl going for the Bronze Award must complete a Journey before starting the Bronze project!
  2. Complete your Bronze Award training with your Troop or individually with an adult (each member of the team and their Troop Leader is required to take the training before starting a project)
  3. Build your Bronze Award project team (the Bronze Award project team may be an individual project, a group of Junior Girl Scouts, or an entire Troop of Junior Girl Scouts)
  4. Brainstorm an issue that you all care about—then investigate it thoroughly. Conduct research by talking to experts in your community and reading up on your chosen issue. Identify the root cause of your issue, and any solutions that already exist. Your Troop Leader can help you using the Bronze Award Rubric for Troop Leaders
  5. Find a Project Advisor (an adult expert in either the issue you are addressing or the solution you are trying to implement). At the Bronze Award level, this person may also be your Troop Leader
  6. Create a plan with your Troop Leader using the Bronze Award Rubric. Make sure you identify the target audience that your project will benefit, and recruit a volunteer team to help you enact your plan. Your Troop Leader will approve your project to start work
  7. Take Action! Enact your project plan, demonstrate leadership, and educate and inspire others. Each team member must complete at least 20 hours of work on your project—make sure you keep track of your time!
  8. Complete your project and gain your Troop Leader’s final approval by the deadline (the September 30th immediately after any member of your team completes the 5th grade)
  9. Help your Troop Leader submit your Final Report to the Council via the official Bronze Award Final Report submission form by the deadline (September 30th after any member of your team completes the 5th grade)
  10. Celebrate!

Still have questions? Contact us by emailing or calling 800-447-4475 during regular business hours.