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Coronavirus Update: The deadline for GSNorCal's 2020 Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award Girl Scouts is now September 30, 2021.

Read the full  COVID-19 Update »

Gold Award

Gold Award Committee Review Schedule

Our four regional volunteer Gold Award Committees review the proposals they receive as a team. Please refer to the review schedule to ensure your materials are submitted in time for processing. Please aim to submit all of your complete materials 10 days in advance of the upcoming meeting to allow time for processing.

  • South Bay (San Jose) Committee: Typically meets the 4th Tuesday of the month.
  • East Bay/Peninsula (Alameda) Committees: Typically meet the 1st Tuesday and the 3rd Sunday of the month
  • North Coast (Santa Rosa) Committee: Typically meets the 2nd Monday of the month.
  • North Central (Chico) Committee: Typically meets the 3rd Sunday of the month

Note: Meeting dates are typical, but subject to change situationally.

Gold Award Proposal Supplemental Forms

Complete these supplemental forms as part of your Gold Award proposal. You will attach them to your GoGold Online electronic proposal in step 5.


Gold Award Deadline Extension

The deadline for Girl Scouts who graduate high school in 2022 is September 30, 2022, or their 18th birthday, whichever is later.

Passionate about an issue and want to make a difference—in a big way? The Girl Scout Gold Award is for you! Open to Girl Scout Seniors (grades 9–10) and Ambassadors (grades 11–12), this is the most prestigious award in Girl Scouts.

This award is difficult to earn, but once you’ve earned it, your rate for success in life and your ability to reach any goal will soar. Colleges, employers, your peers, and your community will see that you have what it takes to get big things done!

Steps to Become a Gold Award Girl Scout

  1. Complete your Silver Award and 1 Senior/Ambassador Journey - OR - 2 Senior/Ambassador Journeys (including the Take Action Projects) to hone the skills you’ll need to earn your Gold Award.
  2. Complete your Gold Award online training or webinar with your troop or individually with an adult, no more than six months before submitting your project proposal—this way, all the information is fresh!
  3. Brainstorm to identify an issue you care about—then investigate it thoroughly.
  4. Build your team and find a Project Advisor. Share The Girl Scout Gold Award: A Guide for Project Advisors with them.
  5. Create a plan and complete your Gold Award Project Proposal through Go Gold Online and attach your timeline and budget proposal documents.
  6. Our Highest Awards Committee will review your proposal, provide feedback, and work with you to improve your plan.
  7. Once your project is approved, take action to carry out your project!
  8. Reflect on your hard work and turn in your complete your Gold Award Final Report through Go Gold Online for review and approval to officially receive your Girl Scout Gold Award.
  9. Reflect, share your story, and celebrate your work!

Earning the Girl Scout Gold Award involves the time to complete a Journey/Silver Award (step 1), and then a suggested minimum of 80 hours to complete steps 2-9.

Council Approval

Girl Scouts of Northern California's approval is needed prior to beginning your project. Girls wishing to do their Gold Award and who are in twelfth grade need to submit their proposals by May 1 of their graduation year to ensure timely processing and approval of projects before they begin.

Money-Earning for Your Project

Girl Scouts can finance or obtain needed materials for their Gold Award projects in a number of ways, including by participating in Product Program. Before starting out, you are responsible for reviewing money-earning and donation requirements on pages 16-17 of our GSNorCal Gold Award packet. 

Our Council’s money-earning application can be found here.

Our Council’s donation form can be found here

Finding Support

Learn more about Gold Award scholarships, the history of the Gold Award, and the benefits of going Gold from Girl Scouts of the USA. Still have questions? Contact us!

Gold Award Resources

Did you know? Gold Award Girl Scouts have the opportunity to apply for the annual GSUSA Gold Award Scholarship in the year after they complete their Award.  Each year, one Girl Scout from GSNorCal will receive this prestigious scholarship.  Will it be you?


Did you know? Every year, GSUSA selects 10 Gold Award Girl Scouts to be National Gold Award Girl Scouts, representing the best-of-the-best Gold Award projects—GSNorCal has had someone from our Council selected for this honor in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018! Will you be next?