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Older Girl Leadership

Girl Scouts of Northern California offers an unparalleled leadership experience for every girl, no matter her age. From our Counselor-In-Training program at camp to our annual Lead The Way conference, and so much more, Girl Scouts NorCal is ready to help you soar at every step of your leadership journey!


Did you know? Girl Scouts of Northern California has more Gold Award recipients than any other Council. In 2014-2015 alone, 117 young women achieved Gold with Girl Scouts NorCal!

Cadette Program Aide

Help younger Girl Scouts by sharing your skills, passions, and experience! Follow these steps to earn this award:

  1. Earn one LiA award. 
  2. Download our easy-to-lead training so you can guide your troop to become program aides. Part of your leadership course will involve learning to work with children, and gaining a deeper understanding of a specialty such as science, art, the outdoors, or adapting activities for girls with disabilities.
  3. Work directly with younger girls over six activity sessions. This might be assisting girls on Journey activities (in addition to what you did for your LiA), badge activities, or other sessions. You might work with a group, at their meetings, at a day camp, or during a special council event.

Program Aide Training is available in local areas, please contact your Service Unit team for more information.

Program Aid Resources
Girl Board Participants

Each year, Girl Scouts of Northern California appoints two Girl Board Participants to serve on our Board of Directors. For youth currently in grades 9-11, this is an excellent opportunity to take part in council governance, advocate for their peers, and see first-hand how an organization is run.

2023 Application Deadline:  January 13, 2023

Girl Board Participant Resources
Higher Awards: Bronze, Silver, and Gold

Girl Scouts’ highest awards, the Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards, are the highest honors a Girl Scout can earn and are awarded to girls who display leadership while engaging in projects that benefit their communities. Gold Awardees can be selected to be a National Gold Award Girl Scout.

Also a given: as you earn one of Girl Scouting’s highest awards, you’ll change your corner of the world—and maybe even beyond. The possibilities are endless.

Leader in Action (LiA)

Only Cadettes can become a Leader in Action (LiA)! As a Leader in Action, you'll share your skills, test your knowledge and try out new leadership roles. For the girls being mentored, it means a chance to learn from teens—some of their favorite people!

Cadettes can become a Leader in Action by assisting a Brownie group on any of their National Leadership Journeys. There are three different LiA awards, one for each of the Journey series: It's Your World–Change It!, It's Your Planet–Love It!, and It's Your Story–Tell It!

To earn an LiA, you'll share your organizational skills, use one of your special talents (such as creating and demonstrating a science experiment or craft), teach Brownies something important from their Journey (such as making healthy snacks or getting exercise), and reflect on your experience. For more information about each LiA, network with the adult volunteers guiding Brownie groups in your Girl Scout community. Complete requirements can be found in their Brownie Leadership Journey adult guides.

Lead the Way

Interested in expanding your leadership and communication skills? Take part in this year's Lead the Way Event. Lead the Way is a leadership training conference designed to strengthen self-confidence and leadership skills to help improve your ability to succeed in school, the community, and life after high school! We aim to bring more awareness to current events, emphasizing YOUR voice and the differences you can make.

This year's conference will take place Friday, February 10 through Sunday, February 12, 2023 in Milpitas, CA. It is an overnight event for Girl Scouts in grades 9-12. Girl Scouts will participate in workshops led by amazing community experts, hear from an inspiring keynote speaker, take part in fun social games and activities, make new friends, and create lasting memories.

Service Unit Delegates, Delegates-at-Large, and National Delegates

Delegate governance is a key part of Girl Scouts of Northern California's strategy as we strive to honor the voice of our membership. GSNorCal girls age 14 and older have the opportunity to represent their Council regionally and nationally — learn more about our Delegate governance and how you can get involved today!

Space Cookies

The Space Cookies robotics teams include girls from across the Bay Area in partnership with the NASA Ames Research Center and Girl Scouts of Northern California.

Students, with guidance from mentors, design, build, and program innovative robots and compete in a variety of events. In addition to learning valuable engineering skills, students gain life skills such as teamwork, perseverance, communication, collaboration, project management, and critical thinking.

The FRC team was founded in 2006, and is made up of girls in grades 9-12. The VEX team was founded in 2012, and is made of girls in grades 6-12. Visit their websites to find out more about their programs, and how to join!

Summer Camp Leadership

High school-aged Girl Scouts who are experienced campers are invited to become a C.I.T. I/II/III (Counselor-in-Training) or W.I.T. (Wrangler-in-Training). These teen leadership experiences are a unique way for girls to combine their love for the outdoors with their leadership goals!

Learn more about our camp leadership programs!

Teens Take Over

At Teens Take Over, girls know what they want and step up to take charge! With supportive adults and friends by your side, you’ll direct a huge program–like Craftapalooza, Golden Gate Park Secret Adventure, or Mall Madness–that will dazzle your fellow Girl Scouts. Collective brainpower shines at monthly meetings where you’ll strategize, organize, coordinate with volunteers, and bring your program vision to life.

Service to Girl Scouting Bar is earned and provided. See The Guide for information on how to register, dates, and locations.

The Torch Award

The Torch Award recognizes Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors who act as leaders in their communities. In order to earn a Torch Award, an older Girl Scout must complete one Leadership Journey, and serve a full term in a leadership position at her school, place of worship, library, community center, or a similar organization important to her.


This award is earned by Seniors and Ambassadors for mentoring younger Girl Scouts outside of the camp experience. Mentor a Daisy, Brownie, Junior, or Cadette troop or group as they complete a Journey or Take Action project. Using your passion and expertise, you’ll foster your own leadership skills as you help your group discover their own skills and interests.

Your VIT project should span a three-to-six month period. You can find out more about the VIT requirements in the Girl Guide's to Girl Scouting.