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Troop Leader Blueprint for an Amazing Year

Your Blueprint for an Amazing Troop Year

New troop year? Bring it on!

Keep your troop going strong with these specially adapted badges, Journeys, and activities for virtual and safe in-person meetings, as well as current COVID-19 guidelines and resources. We’re here to support you as you help your troop thrive.

Program Ideas and Adaptations​

Power a fun-filled troop year with this curated selection of badges, Journeys, and activities to help you throughout this troop year.

Select a grade level
Multi-Level Troops

Virtual Troop Meetings

Getting Started
So you are hosting a Virtual Girl Scout Experience? 
What you need to know… 

Girl: Adult Ratio: 

  • While Girl Scout’s Safety Activity Checkpoints lists a required girl to adult ratio to be maintained at Girl Scout meetings or events, this ratio is not applicable in a virtual setting. However, it is important that we continue to adhere to having two unrelated adults present when holding Girl Scout events virtually. 

The Volunteer’s Responsibilities:

  • Set it Up. The volunteer should be the one to initiate, set up, and invite girl members to a virtual Girl Scout experience.  

  • Pick the Platform. Choose a platform that is publicly recognized, reported about as favorable or transparent about their issues, and have taken steps to correct them.

  • Help Protect Privacy. Protecting girl and adult privacy in a virtual setting may include: keeping personal background space invisible or obscured, keeping photos and images of girls secured from public viewing, keeping meeting lines set to private, and making sure to protect personal email addresses or passwords.

  • Facilitate Fun. Facilitate the meeting/event with a focus on fun and connection. 

Tips for Success:

  • Set Expectations. Treat the first meeting/event as you would any meeting and create a group agreement with the girls to set expectations and ground rules. 

  • Keep it Girl-led. Having girls take the lead is more important than ever. When they’re engaged and empowered to make decisions, they gain a sense of control through this uncertain time. 

  • Aim for Fun, Not Perfection. The girls are not expecting perfection from you; your time, attention, and guidance are the most important role you play in this virtual setting.

Activities for Virtual Meetings

Watch: Troop 57749 Singing Make New Friends During Virtual Troop Meeting

Incorporating Traditions


Tools & Technology

Looking for Technology to help you with Girl Scouting at Home?

We have collected a list of tools that volunteers and members are using and have shared with us. If you know of others, feel free to share with us by emailing

Tools for Managing Troops: Scheduling, Messaging, & File Management
Tools for Hosting Online Video Meetings
Tools to Communicate Via Text, Images, & Emojis
Things to Consider When Selecting Tools
  • How many people will be using the tool? Some tools are better for larger groups than others. 

  • What age are your participants? Often social media and collaboration tools online are designed for people aged 13 or above. Parents may have to manage accounts for younger girls if using many tools. Check the terms of service for the products to see what is needed here. 

  • What tools are your participants already comfortable with? Using understood tools can make adoption easier and reduce technical issues.

  • An all-in-one tool can be easier to get up and running over multiple separate tools. If you want to be able to chat in text, video conference, and store files select something that can do all or most of what you want rather than having multiple tools for different pieces. Not switching back and forth will save on frustration.


What is gsZoom?

gsZoom is an online tool, utilizing the Zoom platform, for Girl Scout volunteers that will help our members conduct audio and video conferences for Girl Scout activities and events.

Who can get a gsZoom account?

gsZoom is available to all registered, background checked Girl Scout volunteers needing a virtual platform for Girl Scout activities.

How do I get a gsZoom account?

Complete the 4 steps below

  1. Sign up through our “PURCHASE ONLY- gsZoom License for Volunteers” event. Complete your registration including submitting the gsZoom terms of use and agreement.
  2. Finalize your payment through the event.
  3. Wait up to 5 business days. We will create your account and then you will receive an email from Zoom with instructions to complete your account setup.  
  4. You're good to go! You may review our gsLearn module  “gsZoom for Volunteers” for additional training and resources for using Zoom and running virtual meetings. Be sure to reference the Troop Leader Blueprint and Volunteering at Home web pages for additional resources. 

Volunteer Learning Facilitators:

Licenses and account requests will be handled internally by the Volunteer Learning Team.

How do I use gsZoom?

Here are some helpful resources for getting started and navigating the gsZoom tool.

How To’s and Instructions

Process Support

  • Having trouble making a request via gsLearn or other administrative gsZoom questions? Contact Customer Care 1(800) 541-9852 or email


Training and Planning Tools

Local Support and Training

These training materials and resources will make this troop year easier. Start exploring! 

Log in to gsLearn to explore free training modules such as:

  • Girl Scouts Connected: This new course walks you through the virtual meeting decision process and creation of a virtual plan and provides tips and best practices for virtual meetings. 

  • GSUSA Zoom for Girl Scouts: From setting up a Zoom account to using the meeting tools in Zoom, this course will guide you through learning how to use Zoom for meetings.

  • Spotlight: Continue your education as an experienced leader. Discover practical strategies to try with your girl scouts in areas of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI), Girl-Led, Cooperative Learning, and Learning by Doing! Learn more.

Also, don’t forget to check out our Volunteer Virtual Conferences and Live workshop Sessions on our events page!

Meeting Planning Tools

Check out these tried-and-true resources from fellow troop leaders who successfully adapted their meetings for in-person-safe and virtual settings.

Planning Activities

These volunteer-generated ideas can you help adapt to any meeting environment. You can also visit the program level pages above to view adaptations for specific badges and journeys.

Connecting with Families
COVID Guidelines