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Media PR and Brand Guidelines

Representing Girl Scouts in Your Community

Our volunteers are the BEST people to show the community the magic of Girl Scouts. From hosting local events, talking to local media, or passing out information to potential members, this page is full of resources for you to use when representing Girl Scouts in your community. 

Media and PR Resources

Girl Scouts have so many wow-worthy stories to share! Here are some resources to help you connect with local media and share how Girl Scouts are taking action in western Washington.

Downloadable Materials

Need to make a flyer? Design a poster? Share a Girl Scout presentation? We’ve got you covered.


NEW Representing Girl Scouts Paper Materials

Use these flyers to show our community why Girl Scouts is the premier leadership organization for girls.


Event Flyer Templates


Servicemarks, Trefoils, and Illustrations

Brand Checklist

If you’re making your own flyer, form, or other piece of Girl Scout material, follow this easy checklist to make sure it matches our Girl Scout brand:

  1. Three colors: All Girl Scouts of Western Washington materials should use three main colors: black, white and Girl Scout green! You can tell if it's Girl Scout green by the hex number (#00ae58), rgb number (r0 g174 b88), or PMS number (355).
  2. Servicemark: Is our servicemark in the top left-hand corner of your document? If so, great! If not, please add it.
  3. Full Name: Instead of shortening our organization's name to GSWW, please use our full name—Girl Scouts of Western Washington. This helps people recognize our organization and limits confusion.
  4. Font: Please use Arial for all your Girl Scout communications!

Image Safety Guidelines

In order to keep girls safe, it's important to know whether or not you have permission to use images of our Girl Scouts! Most currently registered Girl Scouts and girls who have registered for staff-led Girl Scout events give permission to use images taken at Girl Scout activities to promote Girl Scouting. However, an Image Release Consent form is needed for images of non-Girl Scouts taken at events.