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Honoring Girl Scout Heroes: A Celebration of Courageous Leadership

Honoring Heroes

Girl Scouts of Northern California (GSNorCal) invites Bay Area philanthropists and people who believe in the power of Girl Scouts to join us on Thursday, September 23, 2021 from 4:30–6 PM for our “Honoring Girl Scout Heroes: A Celebration of Courageous Leadership” virtual fundraising event. This is a free event to attend and perfect for families, girls, and the community at large who care about girl programs. You can register for this event at by September 10. 

The Honoring Girl Scout Heroes event is a fast-paced, highly interactive, online experience featuring inspiring girl stories, special guest appearances, giveaways, an online auction, and an opportunity to support girls and troops who live in low-income communities and/or have been impacted by natural disasters including fires and loss of jobs due to Covid-19. Celebrate with us as we honor Girl Scout alums who have stepped up as superheroes in their communities including:

  • Dr. Renel Brooks-Moon, Public Address Announcer, San Francisco Giants and Racial Justice Advocate

  • Dr. Sara Cody, Santa Clara County Public Health Officer

  • Ann Gabrys, PhD, Captain of Kings Mountain Fire Department & Senior Staff Engineer and Process Engineering at Pacific Biosciences

  • Stephanie Hannon, Senior Director of Product Management at Google

  • Kelly Steckelberg, CFO, Zoom Video Communications

Sponsors for this event include: (Presenting); Heritage Bank, Qatalyst Partners (Senior Star); First Republic Bank and Randy Peterson (Cadette Champion); Diana L. Bell, Mary B. Cranston, Karen Derr Gilbert/FTV Capital, RINA Accountancy, Sares Regis (Junior Justice); Polly S. Cortez, USI Insurance Services (Brownie Backer); Brakeley Briscoe Fundraising/Brakeley Search; Charmaine Clay and Scott Willis; KnowBe4; Edgar and Talia Pierluissi (Daisy Defender). 

Sponsorship opportunities are still available; the deadline is August 31. Come see how Girl Scouts are making an impact in the local community and making the world a better place, one girl at a time.

Register Now!


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