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Volunteer View: April

Read the latest member updates

Renew Your Girl Scout Membership

No one knows how to cheer girls on, lift them up, or celebrate their strengths better than you. That’s why GSNorCal is here to support you every step of the way as you help sign girls in your troop and service units up for another year of Girl Scouts. This year we have some amazing rewards for girl and adult members. 

  • Program Discount Code that can be used to purchase our Tajar’s Treehouse virtual summer program and other selected programs (expires June 30, 2022). Renew by April 30 to get $20, by June 30 for $15, and by October 31 for $10. 
  • Access to  Becoming Me, a members-only virtual event featuring former First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama.
  • special patch, plus a rocker to commemorate this historic year. We’ve also reduced the price of Tajar’s Treehouse to just $25 for all GSNorCal members!

Girls and volunteers should renew by April 30 to maximize individual rewards! 

For troop leaders: 

If your troop is six girls or more (new, renewed, or rejoined) and you opt-in to the Troop Catalog, we’ll give you a $10 Program Discount Code for future training, plus an $18 discount code for a GSUSA Zoom account, 50% off of the regular Girl Sout price of $36! All new troop leaders will receive a free year of Zoom, regardless of troop start date. 

For service unit leadership and volunteers: 

Service units that reach 50% of renewals of their total volunteer-led troop girl renewals by June 30 will receive $150, plus $2 for every new or rejoined girl or adult volunteer.

We’re also offering all service units a year of free GSUSA Zoom renewal, and have put together a toolkit of social media resources to help support your renewal campaigns.

It’s been a strange year for all of us, and we are so impressed and proud of the incredible work our volunteers have done. Thank you. Today, tomorrow, together—we’re on your team. We’ve got this. 


Girl Scout Celebration and Connection

From celebrating your fellow volunteers to planning your next virtual Girl Scout meeting, here are plenty of ways to succeed in supporting your Girl Scouts this spring:

Volunteer Appreciation Month

From troop leaders to cookie captains, volunteers make Girl Scouts fun and meaningful. April is National Volunteer Appreciation Month, and there are so many ways for you to share some Girl Scout TLC to fellow volunteers or to encourage your girls to express gratitude. You can send an appreciation eCard, create a  Pinterest-worthy crafty gift , nominate them for a   Girl Scout volunteer award , and  so much more . We couldn’t have gotten through this past year without you!


Outdoor Celebrations

What better way to enjoy Earth Day on April 22 than with nature-inspired arts and crafts! GSUSA’s Girl Scouts at Home hub offers different activities your girls can try at home, like leaf rubbings,  clay impressions, and   landscape drawing. And if you’re a troop leader for a new Daisy or Brownie troop, you and your whole troop can join us for our Outdoor Artist Series in early April. These two part-virtual meeting series will let your new troop learn about nature, creating art projects with nature-based themes, and participate in Girl Scout traditions, fun activities, and challenges.


Virtual Meeting Strategies

Whether you’re having virtual troop meetings, or meeting in person, there are a few basics required for an excellent troop meeting. These tried-and-true strategies will make all types of online activities fun for Girl Scouts.


Girl Scout Voices Count

Your Girl Scout voice counts, and we want to hear from you! GSUSA will be sending out its annual GSRI Voices Count Survey to all troop leaders or co-leaders on April 5 (service unit volunteers will be surveyed later in May). All troop leaders who submit will be added into a raffle to win one of 20 $50 gift cards, so keep an eye out for that survey! 


Volunteer Support Opportunities

New Leader Great Start – Part 1 & 2 Online
April 8, 2021, 6:30 – 8 PM
Register Now: Session 1
Register Now: Session 2

New Leader Great Start – Part 1 & 2 Online
April 22, 2021, 6:30 – 8 PM
Register Now: Session 1
Register Now: Session 2

Volunteer Learning Series:
Spring into Summer! 

April 16, 2021, 9:30 - 10:30 AM 
Register Now

Reminders and Announcements

Be prepared for your in-person meetings! Remember to have parents/guardians provide a current Annual Permission Form and completed Health History Form with required immunization information. Check out the Immunization Policy FAQ for more details.

Join us for our virtual Annual Meeting on April 17! Members age 14 and older can attend to hear an update on the state of the council, provide guidance to the Board during girl-led discussions on priorities for older girls, and view election results as delegates vote on a Bylaws amendment and the Board slate. Register by April 10

Do your graduating Ambassadors have to reroute their travel plans due to COVID-19? They can now extend their membership through September 30, 2022 by renewing their membership as adults. Make sure they submit the Ambassador Plan Delay Notification Form to be considered eligible. Check out our FAQ sheet for more details.

It’s not too late to order your GGB Program BoxesBridging month is right around the corner, and your girls can still experience the wonder of a Golden Gate Bridging from the safety of their homes.

Prepare your girls to take on tomorrow's challenges with our easy, all-in-one My Girl Scout kits. Options may include a Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting or age level Handbook, along with select insignia, uniform pieces and more!

Does your employer offer “Dollars for Doers"? Many companies encourage their employees to volunteer in the communities where they live and work—in turn, the employer will offer matching dollars for the hours. Inquire with your Human Resources department about your program, or check out this list of companies that offer this kind of financial support!

Looking for previous issues of Volunteer View? Check them out on our GSNorCal Publications page